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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

shabby [shabby shabbier shabbiest] BrE [ˈʃæbi] NAmE [ˈʃæbi] adjective (shab·bier, shab·bi·est)
1. (of buildings, clothes, objects, etc.)in poor condition because they have been used a lot
Syn: scruffy
The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby.
She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.
2. (of a person)badly dressed in clothes that have been worn a lot
Syn: scruffy
The old man was shabby and unkempt.
3. (of behaviour)unfair or unreasonable
Syn: shoddy
She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.
a shabby affair
It was a shabby way to treat visitors.
Derived Words:shabbily shabbiness

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: from dialect shab ‘scab’ (from a Germanic base meaning ‘itch’) + ↑-y.

Example Bank:
I suddenly felt rather shabby and uncomfortable.

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