trunk [trunk trunks] BrE [trʌŋk] NAmE [trʌŋk] noun  1. countable the thick main ↑stem of a tree, that the branches grow from 2. (BrE, NAmE) (BrE boot)countable the space at the back of a car that you put bags, cases, etc. in 3. countable the long nose of an ↑elephant 4. trunksplural = ↑swimming trunks 5. countable a large strong box with a lid used for storing or transporting clothes, books, etc. 6. countable, usually singular the main part of the human body apart from the head, arms and legs see also ↑torso See also: ↑boot Word Origin: late Middle English: from Old French tronc, from Latin truncus. Example Bank: •He slammed the trunk shut. •I need a new pair of swimming trunks. •She popped the trunk and we tossed the stuff inside. •What's in the trunk? •an instrument made from a hollowed-out tree trunk •I found the documents at the bottom of an old tin trunk in the attic. •She packed her trunk for camp. •She was packing her school trunk.