1. an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial (Freq. 2) • Topics: law, jurisprudence • Hypernyms: enclosure 2. any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine • Syn: sorrel, sour grass • Hypernyms: herb, herbaceous plant • Hyponyms: sour dock, garden sorrel, Rumex acetosa, sheep sorrel, sheep's sorrel, sheep's sorrel, bitter dock, broad-leaved dock, yellow dock, Rumex obtusifolius, French sorrel, Rumex scutatus • Member Holonyms: Rumex, genus Rumex 3. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats • Syn: pier, wharf, wharfage • Derivationally related forms: wharf (for: wharfage), wharf (for: wharf) • Hypernyms: platform • Hyponyms: levee, quay • Part Meronyms: bollard, bitt, shipside 4. a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded • Syn: loading dock • Hypernyms: platform 5. landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out - the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late • Syn: dockage, docking facility • Derivationally related forms: dock (for: dockage) • Hypernyms: landing, landing place • Hyponyms: dry dock, drydock, graving dock, marina • Part Holonyms: seaport, haven, harbor, harbour 6. the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair • Hypernyms: body part • Part Holonyms: tail 7. a short or shortened tail of certain animals • Syn: bobtail, bob • Derivationally related forms: bob (for: bob) • Hypernyms: tail
1. come into dock (Freq. 2) - the ship docked • Ant: undock • Derivationally related forms: dockage, docker, docking • Hypernyms: enter, come in, get into, get in, go into, go in, move into • Hyponyms: moor, berth, wharf • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 2. deprive someone of benefits, as a penalty • Hypernyms: deprive • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s somebody of something 3. deduct from someone's wages • Hypernyms: withhold, deduct, recoup • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 4. remove or shorten the tail of an animal • Syn: tail, bob • Derivationally related forms: bob (for: bob), tail (for: tail) • Hypernyms: cut • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 5. maneuver into a dock - dock the ships • Ant: undock • Derivationally related forms: docker, docking • Hypernyms: steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channelise • Hyponyms: dry-dock, drydock • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - The men dock the boat