1. a feeling of intense anger (Freq. 21) - hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - his face turned red with rage • Syn: fury, madness • Derivationally related forms: mad (for: madness), furious (for: fury), infuriate (for: fury) • Hypernyms: anger, choler, ire • Hyponyms: wrath, lividity 2. a state of extreme anger (Freq. 4) - she fell into a rage and refused to answer • Hypernyms: anger, angriness 3. something that is desired intensely (Freq. 1) - his rage for fame destroyed him • Syn: passion • Hypernyms: desire 4. violent state of the elements - the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks • Hypernyms: violence 5. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal - he always follows the latest fads - it was all the rage that season • Syn: fad, craze, furor, furore, cult • Derivationally related forms: crazy (for: craze), faddy (for: fad), faddist (for: fad) • Hypernyms: fashion
1. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger (Freq. 4) • Syn: ramp, storm • Derivationally related forms: storm (for: storm), rampant (for: ramp), rampage (for: ramp) • Hypernyms: act, behave, do • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Sam and Sue rage 2. be violent; as of fires and storms (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 3. feel intense anger (Freq. 1) - Rage against the dying of the light! • Hyponyms: flip one's lid, blow up, throw a fit, hit the roof, hit the ceiling, have kittens, have a fit, combust, blow one's stack, fly off the handle, flip one's wig, lose one's temper, blow a fuse, go ballistic, foam at the mouth, froth at the mouth • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP - Sam and Sue rage over the results of the experiment