1. cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect (Freq. 3) - I wish I could undo my actions • Derivationally related forms: undoing • Hypernyms: change by reversal, turn, reverse • Hyponyms: untie, unbrace, unlace, unstrap, unhitch, unpick, unfasten, unbelt, unstaple, unclip, unbutton, unpin, unplug, disconnect, unbraid, unravel, unknot, unscramble, untangle, unwind, disentangle, unbuckle, unfold, spread, spread out, open, unwire • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 2. deprive of certain characteristics (Freq. 1) • Syn: unmake • Ant: make (for: unmake) • Hyponyms: destroy, destruct • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 3. cause the ruin or downfall of - A single mistake undid the President and he had to resign • Derivationally related forms: undoer • Hypernyms: ruin • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody 4. cause to become loose - undo the shoelace - untie the knot - loosen the necktie • Syn: untie, loosen • Derivationally related forms: loosening (for: loosen), undoer, undoing, untier (for: untie), untying (for: untie) • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 5. remove the outer cover or wrapping of - Let's unwrap the gifts! - undo the parcel • Syn: unwrap • Ant: wrap (for: unwrap) • Derivationally related forms: undoer • Hypernyms: uncover, expose • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something