1. the sound of laughing (Freq. 16) • Syn: laughter • Hypernyms: utterance, vocalization • Hyponyms: cachinnation, cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, belly laugh, hee-haw, horselaugh, ha-ha, haw-haw, snicker, snort, snigger, titter 2. a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing (Freq. 1) - his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision • Hypernyms: facial expression, facial gesture 3. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter - he told a very funny joke - he knows a million gags - thanks for the laugh - he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest - even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point • Syn: joke, gag, jest, jape • Derivationally related forms: jest (for: jest), gagster (for: gag), gag (for: gag), jocular (for: joke), jokester (for: joke), joke (for: joke) • Hypernyms: wit, humor, humour, witticism, wittiness • Hyponyms: belly laugh, sidesplitter, howler, thigh-slapper, scream, wow, riot, dirty joke, dirty story, blue joke, blue story, ethnic joke, funny story, good story, funny remark, funny, in-joke, one-liner, shaggy dog story, sick joke, sight gag, visual joke • Part Meronyms: punch line, laugh line, gag line, tag line
produce laughter (Freq. 64) • Syn: express joy, express mirth • Ant: cry • See Also: laugh off, laugh away, laugh at • Derivationally related forms: laughable, laugher • Hypernyms: express emotion, express feelings • Hyponyms: bray, bellylaugh, roar, howl, snicker, snigger, giggle, titter, break up, crack up, cackle, cackle, laugh loudly, chuckle, chortle, laugh softly, convulse, cachinnate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP