1. the property of being physically or mentally strong (Freq. 42) - fatigue sapped his strength • Ant: weakness • Hypernyms: property • Hyponyms: good part, brawn, brawniness, muscle, muscularity, sinew, heftiness, might, mightiness, power, vigor, vigour, dynamism, heartiness, robustness, hardiness, lustiness, validity, huskiness, ruggedness, toughness, stoutness, stalwartness, stalwartness, firmness, soundness, indomitability, invincibility, endurance, invulnerability • Attrubites: delicate, rugged, strong, weak 2. capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war (Freq. 10) - we faced an army of great strength - politicians have neglected our military posture • Syn: military capability, military strength, military posture, posture • Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine • Hypernyms: capability, capableness • Hyponyms: sea power, firepower 3. physical energy or intensity (Freq. 4) - he hit with all the force he could muster - it was destroyed by the strength of the gale - a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man • Syn: force, forcefulness • Derivationally related forms: forceful (for: forcefulness) • Hypernyms: intensity, intensiveness • Hyponyms: brunt, momentum, impulse, energy, vigor, vigour, zip 4. an asset of special worth or utility (Freq. 2) - cooking is his forte • Syn: forte, strong suit, long suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong point • Ant: weak point (for: strong point) • Derivationally related forms: special (for: speciality) • Hypernyms: asset, plus • Hyponyms: green thumb, green fingers 5. the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation) (Freq. 1) - he adjusted the intensity of the sound - they measured the station's signal strength • Syn: intensity, intensity level • Hypernyms: magnitude • Hyponyms: radio brightness, threshold level, field strength, field intensity, candlepower, light intensity, acoustic power, sound pressure level, half-intensity 6. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects (Freq. 1) - the toxin's potency - the strength of the drinks • Syn: potency, effectiveness • Derivationally related forms: potent (for: potency) • Hypernyms: power, powerfulness • Attrubites: potent, strong, stiff, impotent 7. the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty (Freq. 1) - the strength of his argument settled the matter • Syn: persuasiveness • Ant: unpersuasiveness (for: persuasiveness) • Derivationally related forms: persuasive (for: persuasiveness) • Hypernyms: power, powerfulness • Hyponyms: convincingness 8. the condition of financial success - the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks • Ant: weakness • Hypernyms: prosperity, successfulness 9. permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force - they advertised the durability of their products • Syn: lastingness, durability, enduringness • Derivationally related forms: enduring (for: enduringness), durable (for: durability), lasting (for: lastingness) • Hypernyms: permanence, permanency • Hyponyms: tensile strength, indestructibility, continuity, persistence, changelessness, everlastingness