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Từ điển tiếng Anh - Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary

lack UK US [læk] noun [ lacks ]
lack of sth
<E > when something is not available or when there is not enough of it
Her only problem is lack of confidence.
Lack of sleep had made him irritable.
If he fails it won't be for/through lack of effort (= he has certainly tried).
We won't be going on holiday this year - lack of funds, I'm afraid.
Thesaurus+: ↑Lacking things ↑Essential or necessary ↑Scarce, inadequate and not enough
lack of sth
• The event was cancelled owing to lack of interest.
because of due to from owing to through a lack of sth
• The youth club closed because of a lack of volunteers to run it.
despite a/sb's lack of sth
• We decided to climb the mountain despite our lack of experience.
for lack of sth
• If I don't pass the exam, it won't be for lack of trying.
lack of ambition confidence courage discipline enthusiasm imagination
• Her work shows a lack of imagination.
lack of attention awareness communication concentration concern consideration cooperation interest respect support understanding
• Lack of attention in class meant I failed to learn French.
lack of cash evidence funds money resources space
• The police had to release him because of lack of evidence.
lack of action advice effort experience knowledge
• There has been a distinct lack of action around here.
lack of access choice clarity consistency control direction progress
• I detected a lack of progress on the building front.
lack of exercise food oxygen sleep
• The baby was brain damaged because of lack of oxygen.
an alarming appalling serious lack of sth
• There was an appalling lack of hygiene in the restaurant.
an apparent general real relative lack of sth
• There is an apparent lack of trust in the management here.
a complete distinct marked total lack of sth
• There is a distinct lack of discipline in her class.
lack of adequate available good sth
• The lack of adequate food was a constant problem.
be caused by be exacerbated by be hampered by suffer from a lack of sth
• The illness was caused by a lack of fresh produce in their diets.
cite express show a lack of sth
• They cited lack of money as their main reason for leaving college.
bemoan complain about criticize the lack of sth
• The report criticized the lack of leadership within the organization.
make up for the lack of sth
• Their enthusiasm almost makes up for their lack of experience.
verb transitive
<E > to not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted
He just lacks a little confidence.
What we lack in this house is space to store things.
We are lacking three members of staff due to illness.
Thesaurus+: ↑Lacking things ↑Essential or necessary ↑Scarce, inadequate and not enough
Common errors:
Remember that when lack is a verb it is never followed by 'of'.
Don't say 'something lacks of something', say something lacks something:
Our town lacks of a good shopping centre.
• Our town lacks a good shopping centre.
They've won a few matches this season but they lack consistency.
They lack basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk.
He lacks the necessary skills for the job.
The town lacks leisure facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.
Joshua clearly has ability in this subject but he lacks application.

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