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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.all1 S1 W1 /ɔːl $ ɒːl/ BrE AmE determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
1. the whole of an amount, thing, or type of thing:
Have you done all your homework?
all your life/all day/all year etc (=during the whole of your life, a day, a year etc)
He had worked all his life in the mine.
The boys played video games all day.
They were quarrelling all the time (=very often or continuously).
Hannah didn’t say a single word all the way back home (=during the whole of the journey).
all of
Almost all of the music was from Italian operas.
I’ve heard it all before.
She’d given up all hope of having a child.
2. every one of a number of people or things, or every thing or person of a particular type:
Someone’s taken all my books!
Will all the girls please stand over here.
All children should be taught to swim.
16 per cent of all new cars sold in Western Europe these days are diesel-engined.
They all speak excellent English.
all of
important changes that will affect all of us
3. the only thing or things:
All you need is a hammer and some nails.
All I’m asking for is a little respect.
4. formal everything:
I’m doing all I can to help her.
I hope all is well with you.
All was dark and silent down by the harbour wall.
5. used to emphasize that you mean the greatest possible amount of the quality you are mentioning:
Can any of us say in all honesty that we did everything we could?
6. at all used in negative statements and questions to emphasize what you are saying:
They’ve done nothing at all to try and put the problem right.
He’s not looking at all well.
‘Do you mind if I stay a little longer?’ ‘No, not at all.’
Has the situation improved at all?
7. all sorts/kinds/types of something many different kinds of something:
Social workers have to deal with all kinds of problems.
8. of all people/things/places etc used to emphasize that your statement is true of one particular person, thing, or place more than any other:
You shouldn’t have done it. You of all people should know that.
She did not want to quarrel with Maria today, of all days.
9. all in all used to show that you are considering every part of a situation:
All in all, it had been one of the most miserable days of Henry’s life.
10. for all something in spite of a particular fact:
For all his faults, he’s a kind-hearted old soul.
For all my love of landscape, nothing could persuade me to spend another day in the Highlands.
11. in all including every thing or person:
In all, there were 215 candidates.
We received £1,550 in cash and promises of another £650, making £2,200 in all.
12. and all
a) including the thing or things just mentioned:
They ate the whole fish – head, bones, tail, and all.
b) spoken informal used to emphasize a remark that you have just added:
And you can take that smelly old coat out of here, and all!
13. all of 50p/20 minutes etc spoken used to emphasize how large or small an amount actually is:
The game lasted all of 58 seconds.
The repairs are going to cost all of £15,000.
14. it’s all or nothing used to say that unless something is done completely, it is not acceptable:
Half-heartedness won’t do – it’s got to be all or nothing.
15. give your all to make the greatest possible effort in order to achieve something:
The coach expects every player to give their all in every game.
16. it was all I could do to do something used to say that you only just succeeded in doing something:
It was all I could do to stop them hitting each other.
17. when all’s said and done spoken used to remind someone about an important point that needs to be considered:
When all’s said and done, he’s only a kid.
for all somebody cares at ↑care2(8), ⇨ for all somebody knows at ↑know1(33), ⇨ all and sundry at ↑sundry(1), ⇨ after all at ↑after1(13)
• • •
Use a singular verb after all when you are using an uncountable or singular noun:
All the food is prepared in advance. Use a plural verb when you are using a plural noun:
All the windows have locks.
If you are referring to a specific group or thing, use all (of) before 'the', 'my', 'these' etc:
All the money (NOT The all money) had been spent.
All of my friends were girls. If you are referring to a type of person or thing, use all directly before an uncountable noun or plural noun:
All reptiles have scaly skin. If you are saying that something happened continuously, use all directly before 'day', 'week' etc:
It rained all day yesterday.
When all follows a pronoun or noun referring to a group, it should come after the first auxiliary if there is one:
This is something in which we can all be involved (NOT we all can be involved). It comes after a simple tense of 'be':
They are all lawyers.
all, whole
With a singular noun, it is possible to use whole instead of all:
a war that could destroy the whole planet
II.all2 S1 W1 BrE AmE adverb
1. [always + adjective/adverb/preposition] completely:
You shouldn’t be sitting here by yourself, all alone.
a strange woman, dressed all in black
If people want more freedom of choice, then I’m all for it (=I strongly support it).
‘It was a dreadful experience.’ ‘Never mind, it’s all over (=completely finished) now.’
2. all over (something)
a) everywhere on an object or surface:
There were bits of paper all over the floor.
He has cuts all over his legs.
She ached all over (=her whole body ached).
b) everywhere in a place:
Antique clocks from all over the world are on display.
People came from all over the country.
They’re putting up new offices all over the place.
3. all the better/easier/more etc used to emphasize how much better, easier etc something is than it would be in a different situation:
Clayton’s achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider his poor performance last season.
The job was made all the easier by having the proper tools.
4. all but almost completely:
Britain’s coal industry has all but disappeared.
His left arm was all but useless.
5. all too used to mean ‘very’ when talking about a bad situation:
All too often it’s the mother who gets blamed for her children’s behaviour.
In these conditions it was all too easy to make mistakes.
6. all along informal all the time from the beginning while something was happening:
Chapman had known all along that the plan wouldn’t work.
We had to admit that Dad had been right all along.
7. all round British English, all around American English
a) used to say that you are describing the general quality or effect of something:
All round it’s not a bad car.
It was a nasty business all round.
b) from everyone, for everyone, or involving everyone:
There were smiles all round.
He paid for drinks all round.
8. one-all/two-all etc used when giving the score of a game in which both players or teams have scored the same number of points:
The game ended one-all.
9. all told including everything or everyone:
a project costing £10,000, all told
10. it’s all up (with somebody) informal British English used to say that someone’s success or happiness has ended:
If someone tells the police, then it’ll be all up with me.
11. be not all there informal someone who is not all there seems stupid or slightly crazy
12. be all smiles/innocence/sweetness etc to be showing a lot of a particular quality or type of behaviour:
The mayor and mayoress were all smiles and kisses during the grand ceremony.
13. be all over somebody informal to be trying to kiss someone and touch them, especially in a sexual way:
Before I could speak, he was all over me.
• • •
14. very:
You’re getting me all confused.
15. that’s somebody all over used to say that a particular way of behaving is typical of someone:
He was late of course, but that’s Tim all over!
16. be all in British English to be very tired
17. somebody was all ... American English used to report what someone said or did, when telling a story:
He drove me home, and he was all, ‘I love this car ... it’s like a rocket.’
18. not all that not very:
It doesn’t sound all that good, does it?
I don’t think it matters all that much.
19. somebody/something is not all that used to say that someone or something is not very attractive or desirable:
I don’t know why you keep chasing her around. She’s not all that.



All the apples above are red.

tính từ
(dùng với danh từ số nhiều, danh từ không đếm được, danh từ có thể theo sau the / this / that / these / those, my / his / her... hoặc một con số) tất cả; hết thảy; toàn bộ; suốt trọn; mọi
all horses are animals, but not all animals are horses
ngựa nào cũng là động vật, nhưng không phải động vật nào cũng là ngựa
all the people you invited are coming
tất cả những người mà ông mời đều đang đến
all my plants have died
tất cả các cây của tôi đều đã chết
all Vietnam
toàn nước Việt Nam
in all respects
về mọi phương diện
all five men are hard workers
cả năm người đều là những người lao động tích cực
he has lived all his life in London
ông ấy đã sống trọn đời ở Luân Đôn
all year/month/week/day
suốt năm/tháng/tuần/ngày
she was abroad all last summer
cô ta ở nước ngoài suốt mùa hè vừa qua
we were unemployed (for) all that time
chúng tôi thất nghiệp suốt thời gian ấy
all wood tends to shrink
mọi thứ gỗ đều có khuynh hướng co lại
you've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work
anh được hưởng mọi thú vui, còn tôi thì phải làm đủ thứ việc cực nhọc
all this mail must be answered
tất cả chỗ thư từ này cần được trả lời
lớn nhất có thể được
with all speed/haste/dispatch
với tốc độ/sự vội vã/sự khẩn trương cao nhất có thể được
in all honesty/frankness/sincerity
với tất cả sự trung thực/thẳng thắn/trung thành
bất cứ cái gì
beyond all doubt changes are coming
không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, sắp có những thay đổi
he denied all knowledge of the crime
nó chối là không biết gì về vụ phạm tội này
and all that (jazz, rubbish...)
và những điều tương tự khác
I'm bored by history - dates and battles and all that stuff
Tôi ngán môn sử - những niên hiệu, những trận đánh và tất cả những chuyện vớ vẩn như vậy
not all that good/well
không hay/tốt gì lắm
He doesn't sing all that well
Nó hát chẳng hay gì lắm
not as bad as all that
không đến mức độ như thế
they're not as rich as all that
họ cũng chẳng giàu đến như thế
đại từ
tất cả, tất thảy, hết thảy, toàn thể, toàn bộ
we had several bottles of beer left - all (of them) have disappeared
chúng tôi còn lại nhiều chai bia - tất cả (các chai đó) đều đã biến mất
I invited my five sisters but not all (of them) can come
tôi mời năm chị của tôi nhưng không phải tất cả (họ) đều đến được
some of the food has been eaten, but not all (of it)
đã ăn hết một phần thức ăn, nhưng không phải tất cả
All of the mourners were dressed in black/They were all dressed in black
tất cả những người đi đưa ma đều mặc đồ đen/tất cả bọn họ đều mặc đồ đen
Take all of the wine/Take it all
Hãy lấy tất cả chỗ rượu vang/hãy lấy tất cả chỗ đó
all I want is peace and quiet
tất cả những gì tôi muốn là sự yên tĩnh
all of us
tất cả chúng tôi; tất cả chúng ta
all is over!
thế là xong tất cả!
all are unanimous to vote
tất cả đều nhất trí bầu
that's all I know
đó là tất cả những điều tôi biết
all but him
tất cả trừ nó ra
above all
(xem) above
all in all
nói chung, nhìn chung
all in all it had been a great success
nói chung, đây là một thành công lớn
all or nothing
(về một quá trình hành động) đòi hỏi mọi nỗ lực
it's all or nothing - if we don't score now, we've lost the match
phải nỗ lực tối đa - nếu chúng ta không ghi bàn ngay bây giờ, chúng ta sẽ thua cuộc đấy
after all
(xem) after
all and sundry
toàn thể và từng người một, tất cả và từng cái một
and all
cũng; kể cả; thêm nữa
the wind blew everything off the table, tablecloth and all
gió thổi bay mọi thứ trên bàn, khăn bàn và mọi thứ khác
not at all
không dám (lời đáp khi ai cảm ơn mình)
(not) at all
(không) gì hết; chút nào
I don't know him at all
tôi không hề biết hắn ta
I didn't enjoy it at all
tôi chẳng thích cái đó tí nào cả
there's nothing at all to eat
chẳng có cái gì để ăn cả
are you at all worried about the forecast
anh có lo lắng chút nào về lời dự đoán đó hay không?
in all
tổng cộng, tất cả, cả thảy
one and all
tất cả không trừ một ai; tất cả không trừ một cái gì
one's all
tất cả những gì ta có; đời sống
phó từ
hoàn toàn, toàn bộ, tất cả, trọn vẹn
to be dressed all in white
mặc toàn đồ trắng
that's all wrong
cái đó sai cả rồi
she lived all alone/all by herself
bá ta sống hoàn toàn cô độc
the coffee went all over my trousers
cà phê đổ hết lên quần tôi
she was all excited
cô ta bị kích động mạnh
don't get all upset about it
đừng quá lo lắng về việc đó
(trong thể thao và trò chơi) cho mỗi bên
the score was four all
tỉ số là bốn đều
all along
suốt thời gian; từ đầu
I realized I had had it in my pocket
tôi nhận thấy rằng tôi vẫn để nó trong túi suốt thời gian đó
all in
mệt rã rời, kiệt sức
all of something
có thể nhiều hơn, trọn vẹn
it was all of two miles to the beach
từ đây ra bãi biển xa hơn hai dặm
all over
khắp nơi
we looked all for the ring
chúng tôi tìm cái nhẫn ở khắp nơi
to be covered all over with mud
bùn bẩn khắp người
I'm aching all over after the match
tôi ê ẩm toàn thân sau trận đấu
cái mà ta chờ đợi ở một người nào đó
that sounds like my sister all over
tiếng động đó nghe đúng là em gái tôi
it's all over with him
(từ lóng) thế là nó tong rồi, thế là nó tiêu ma rồi, thế là nó đi đời rồi
to be all over somebody
quá nồng nhiệt đối với ai
You can see he's infatuated by her - he was all over her at the party
Anh có thể thấy nó say mê cô ta - suốt bữa tiệc nó cứ quấn lấy cô ta
to be all over...
được mọi người (ở nơi nào đó) biết tỏng
news of the holiday was all over the school within minutes
chỉ trong vài phút, cái tin được nghỉ đã lan khắp cả trường
to be all up with somebody
là không còn gì nữa (đối với ai)
it looks as though it's all up with us now
có vẻ như đối với chúng ta bây giờ thế là hết (chúng ta pha sản, chẳng còn dịp may nào nữa)
all one
tạo nên một đơn vị trọn vẹn
we don't have a separate dining-room; the living area is all one
chúng tôi chẳng có phòng ăn riêng; chỗ tiếp khách là một phòng dùng chung (cũng) là phòng ăn
all right (cũng alright)
như đã mong muốn, làm hài lòng
is the coffee all right?
cà phê có ngon không?
are you getting along all right in your new job?
anh có hài lòng với công việc mới của anh hay không?
bình an vô sự và khoẻ mạnh
I hope the children are all right
tôi mong rằng mọi đứa trẻ đều khoẻ cả
tốt vừa phải thôi
this homework is all right but you could do better
bài tập này tạm được, nhưng lẽ ra anh có thể làm tốt hơn
biểu thị sự đồng ý làm cái gì mà ai yêu cầu
Will you post this for me? - Yes, all right
Anh gửi cái này cho tôi qua bưu điện nhé? - Được
biểu thị sự chắc chắn tuyêt đối
that's the man I saw in the car all right
dứt khoát đó là người đàn ông tôi đã trông thấy trên xe ô tô
to be all ears
(xem) ear
to be all eyes
(xem) eye
to be all smiles
luôn luôn tươi cười
to be all legs
(xem) leg
grasp all, lose all
(xem) grasp
that's all
(thông tục) đấy chỉ có thế thôi, không có gì phải nói thêm nữa
to be all about something
lấy ai/cái gì làm chủ đề hoặc làm mối quan tâm chính
the news is all about the latest summit meeting
tin tức chủ yếu nói về cuộc họp thượng đỉnh gần đây nhất
to be all for something/doing something
tin tưởng mạnh mẽ rằng cái gì đó là đáng mong muốn
she's all for more nursery schools being built
bà ta hoàn toàn tin rằng cần phải xây thêm nhiều trường mẫu giáo
to be all there
(thông tục) trí óc sáng suốt lành mạnh, không mất trí, không điên
he is not quite all there
anh ta mất trí rồi; trí óc anh ta không còn sáng suốt nữa rồi
all the same
là vấn đề không quan trọng đối với ai
it was all the same to him
điều đó chẳng có ý nghĩa gì đối với hắn
dù thế nào đi nữa; dù sao chăng nữa
he was punished all the same
mặc dù thế nào hắn cũng cứ bị phạt
all the same I have to stay
dù sao chăng nữa tôi vẫn phải ở lại
thank you all the same
tuy vậy tôi vẫn xin cám ơn anh (chị...)
to be all one to somebody
là vấn đề không quan trọng đối với ai
it's all one to me whether we eat now or later
đối với tôi, ăn bây giờ hay lát nữa thì cũng như nhau thôi
tiền tố
hoàn toàn
an all-electric kitchen
một nhà bếp dùng toàn đồ điện
an all-American show
một cuộc trưng bày hoàn toàn của Mỹ
ở mức độ cao nhất
hết sức quan trọng
nắm mọi quyền lực
vô cùng từ bi

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