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bring S1 W1 /brɪŋ/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle brought /brɔːt $ brɒːt/) [transitive]
[Language: Old English; Origin: bringan]
a) to take something or someone with you to the place where you are now, or to the place you are talking about ⇨ take:
Did you bring an umbrella?
It was the first time Joey had ever brought a girl home.
They brought news of further fighting along the border.
bring somebody/something to somebody/something
Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party?
bring somebody/something with you
For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him.
b) to get something for someone and take it to them
bring somebody something
Can you bring me another beer?
Robert asked the waiter to bring him the check.
While she was in prison, friends used to bring her books.
bring somebody/something to somebody/something
He expects me to bring everything to him.
a) to make a particular situation exist, or cause a particular feeling:
efforts to bring peace to the region
The strikes are expected to bring chaos.
The senator’s speech brought an angry response from Civil Rights groups.
b) to cause someone or something to reach a particular state or condition
bring something to an end/a close/a halt/a conclusion (=make something stop)
The trial was swiftly brought to an end.
It was the war that first brought him to power (=made him have power over a country).
So far the US has been unable to bring him to justice (=make him be punished for his actions).
Bring the sauce to the boil (=heat it until it boils).
The country had been brought to its knees (=caused to be in such a bad condition that it is almost impossible to continue).
3. [always + adverb/preposition] to make something move in a particular direction
bring something up/down/round etc
Bring your arm up slowly until it’s level with your shoulder.
The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down.
4. [always + adverb/preposition] if something brings people to a place, it makes them go there:
The discovery of gold brought thousands of people to the Transvaal.
what brings you here? (=used to ask why someone is in a particular place)
What brings you here on a night like this?
5. to make something available for people to use, have, enjoy etc:
The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children.
bring something to somebody/something
The government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas.
bring somebody something
It’s a good sign – let’s hope it will bring us some luck.
6. if a period of time brings a particular event or situation, the event or situation happens during that time:
The 1930s brought unemployment and economic recession.
Who knows what the future will bring?
7. bring charges/a lawsuit/a court case/a prosecution/a claim (against somebody) to begin a court case in order to try to prove that someone has done something wrong or is legally responsible for something wrong:
Survivors of the fire later brought a billion-dollar lawsuit against the company.
The police say they are planning to bring charges against him.
8. bring a smile to sb’s lips/face to make someone smile:
Her words brought a sudden smile to his lips.
9. bring tears to sb’s eyes to make someone start to cry:
The pain brought tears to his eyes.
10. bring the total/number/score etc to something used when saying what the new total etc is:
This brings the total to 46.
11. cannot/could not bring yourself to do something to feel unable to do something because it would upset you or someone else too much:
She still can’t bring herself to talk about it.
12. spoken used when saying that something is the next thing that you want to talk about
that/this/which brings me to ...
This brings me to the main point of today’s meeting.
13. if a programme is brought to you by a particular television or radio company, they broadcast it or make it
something is brought to you by somebody
This programme is brought to you by the BBC.
14. bring something to bear (on/upon something) formal to use something, for example your power, authority, or your knowledge, in a way that will have a big effect on something or someone:
The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government.
15. bring home the bacon informal to earn the money that your family needs to live
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
bring peace/war The treaty brought peace to both England and France.
bring chaos A bomb scare brought chaos to the town centre yesterday.
bring somebody pleasure/joy/pain/grief etc The decision brought him great relief.
bring something to an end/halt (=especially something bad) It is our resonsibility to discuss how this conflict can be brought to an end.
bring something to a close (=especially a meeting) At last the meeting was brought to a close.
bring something to a conclusion (=used especially in law) Juvenile cases need to be brought to a conclusion quickly.
bring somebody to power (=make someone have power over a country) The revolution brought to power a communist government.
bring somebody to justice (=catch and punish someone for their actions) The authorities swore that the killers would be brought to justice.
bring somebody into contact with somebody/something The people of the island were suddenly brought into contact with the outside world.
bring something/somebody to their knees (=make it almost impossible for somebody/something to continue) A severe drought brought the country to its knees.
• • •
bring to take something or someone to the place where you are now, or the place where you are going: Have you brought your ticket with you? | He asked his father if he could bring a friend to stay.
take to move something to another place, or help someone go to another place: I took a book with me to read on the train. | He was taken to hospital by ambulance.
get (also fetch
especially British English) to go to another place and come back with something or someone: I went upstairs to get my jacket. | Joseph told me to fetch the doctor, so I ran to the village.
bring something ↔ about phrasal verb

to make something happen SYN cause:
How can we bring about a change in attitudes?
A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rain forests.
bring somebody/something ↔ along phrasal verb
to take someone or something with you when you go somewhere:
You’re welcome to bring along a friend.
I’ve brought some pictures along to show you.
bring somebody/something around/round phrasal verb
1. bring the conversation around/round to something to deliberately and gradually introduce a new subject into a conversation:
I’ll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.
2. to make someone become conscious again:
I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him round.
3. to manage to persuade someone to do something or to agree with you:
She won’t listen to me. Let’s see if Sue can bring her round.
bring somebody/something around/round to
I’m sure I can bring him around to our point of view.
4. to bring someone or something to someone’s house:
I’ll bring the books around tomorrow.
bring back phrasal verb
1. bring something ↔ back to start to use something again that was used in the past SYN reintroduce:
The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams.
Bringing back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.
2. bring something ↔ back to make you remember something:
The trip brought back a lot of happy memories.
Seeing those pictures on TV brought it all back to me.
3. bring something ↔ back to take something or someone with you when you come back from somewhere
bring something back for somebody
Don’t forget to bring something back for the kids.
bring somebody back something
If you’re going to the store, could you bring me back a six-pack?
4. bring somebody ↔ back to return someone to their previous job or position of authority SYN reinstate:
Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
5. bring somebody back to something if something that is said brings you back to a particular subject, it is connected with that subject, so you will start talking about it again:
This brings us back to the question of funding.
bring somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb
1. to reduce something to a lower level:
The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.
2. to fly a plane down to the ground SYN land:
The pilot managed to bring the plane down safely.
3. to make a plane, bird, or animal fall to the ground by shooting at it:
A bomber had been brought down by anti-aircraft fire.
4. to force a government or ruler to stop ruling a country:
a crisis that could bring down the government
5. to make someone fall over:
He was brought down by the goalkeeper and awarded a penalty.
bring something ↔ down on/upon somebody phrasal verb
to make something bad happen to someone, especially to yourself or to people connected with you:
His recklessness brought down disaster on the whole family.
bring something ↔ forth phrasal verb literary
to produce something or make it appear:
a tragic love affair that brought forth only pain
bring something ↔ forward phrasal verb
1. to change an arrangement so that something happens sooner
bring something ↔ forward to
The meeting’s been brought forward to Thursday.
2. bring forward legislation/plans/policies etc to officially introduce plans etc for people to discuss:
The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.
3. to record the result of a calculation so that it can be used in a further calculation:
The balance brought forward is £21,765.
bring somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verb
1. to introduce a new law:
Harsh anti-Trade Union laws were brought in in the early 1980s.
2. to ask someone to become involved in a discussion or situation:
I’d like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views.
bring somebody in to do something
The police were brought in to investigate the matter.
3. to earn a particular amount or produce a particular amount of profit:
The sale of the house only brought in about £45,000.
4. to attract customers to a shop or business:
We’ve got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive.
5. bring in a verdict to say officially in a law court whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime SYN return a verdict:
The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty.
bring somebody/something into something phrasal verb
1. to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation:
Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation.
The work brought me into contact with a lot of very interesting people.
2. to make someone become involved in a discussion or situation:
The government is trying to bring teachers into the debate on education.
There is a danger that this could bring other countries into the war.
bring something ↔ off phrasal verb
to succeed in doing something difficult SYN pull off:
They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history.
bring something ↔ on phrasal verb
1. to make something bad or unpleasant happen SYN cause:
Stress can bring on an asthma attack.
What’s brought this on? Have I upset you somehow?
2. to help someone to improve or make progress:
Teachers have to bring on the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who need it.
3. to make plants or crops grow faster:
Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on.
4. bring it on informal used to say that you are prepared and willing to deal with something bad that is likely to happen
bring something on/upon somebody phrasal verb
to make something unpleasant happen to someone:
You have brought disaster on the whole village!
bring something on/upon yourself
I’ve got no sympathy for him – he’s brought this all on himself!
bring somebody onto something phrasal verb
if something brings you onto a particular subject, it is a good time for you to start talking about it:
This brings me onto the question of pay rises.
bring something ↔ out phrasal verb
1. to make something easier to see, taste, notice etc:
The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat.
Fatherhood seems to have brought out the caring side of him.
2. to produce something that will be sold to the public:
He’s bringing out a new album next month.
3. to take something out of a place:
Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles.
4. bring out the best/worst in somebody to make someone behave in the best or worst way that they can:
Alcohol just brings out the worst in her.
5. bring somebody out of himself/herself to make someone feel more confident and able to talk to people:
Changing schools has really brought her out of herself.
bring somebody out in something phrasal verb
if something brings you out in spots, it makes them appear on your skin:
Any foods containing wheat bring him out in a rash.
bring somebody/something round
bring somebody through (something) phrasal verb
to help someone to successfully deal with a very difficult event or period of time:
Both my children have brought me through extremely difficult times since my husband died.
bring somebody ↔ together phrasal verb
1. to arrange for people to meet and do something together:
We brought together researchers from three different universities to work on the project.
2. to make people have a better relationship or feel closer to each other:
Any attack by a foreign power will inevitably bring the people of a country together.
bring somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
1. to mention a subject or start to talk about it SYN raise:
Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?
2. to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up SYN raise:
He was brought up by his grandparents.
bring somebody up to do something
In my day, children were brought up to respect the law.
be brought up (as) a Catholic/Muslim etc
I was brought up a Catholic. ⇨ ↑upbringing
3. to make something appear on a computer screen:
Can you bring up the list of candidates again?
4. British English if you bring food up, it comes back up from your stomach and out of your mouth:
I had a sandwich for lunch and promptly brought it up again.
5. to charge someone with a particular crime and make them go to a court to be judged
bring somebody/something ↔ up before
He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.
6. bring somebody up short/with a start to surprise someone and make them suddenly stop talking or doing something:
Her question brought me up short.

ngoại động từ bất quy tắc brought
cầm lại, đem lại, mang lại, xách lại, đưa lại
bring me a cup of tea
đem lại cho tôi một tách trà
bring him with you to see me
đưa anh ta lại thăm tôi
đưa ra
to bring a charge
đưa ra lời buộc tội
to bring an argument
đưa ra một lý lẽ
làm cho, gây cho
to bring tears to someone's eyes
làm cho ai phát khóc, làm cho ai chảy nước mắt
to bring someone to see something
làm cho ai thấy được cái gì
to bring about
làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra
to bring back
đem trả lại, mang trả lại
làm nhớ lại, gợi lại
to bring down
đem xuống, đưa xuống, mang xuống
hạ xuống, làm tụt xuống
to bring down the prices of goods
hạ giá hàng hoá
hạ, bắn rơi (máy bay, chim)
hạ bệ, làm nhục (ai)
mang lại (sự trừng phạt...) cho (ai)
to bring down ruin on somebody
mang lại lụn bại cho ai
to bring forth
sản ra, sinh ra, gây ra
to bring forward
đưa ra, nêu ra, đề ra, mang ra
can you bring forward any proof of what you say?
anh có thể đưa ra chứng cớ về những điều anh nói ra không?
bring the matter forward at the next meeting!
cuộc họp sau đưa vấn đề đó ra!
(kế toán) chuyển sang
to bring in
đưa vào, đem vào, mang vào
thu; đem lại (lợi tức...); đưa vào (thói quen)
to bring off
to bring off the passengers on a wrecked ship
cứu các hành khách trên chiếc tàu bị nạn
to bring on
dẫn đến, gây ra
làm cho phải bàn cãi
to bring out
đưa ra, mang ra, đem ra
nói lên
xuất bản
to bring out a book
xuất bản một cuốn sách
làm nổi bật, làm lộ rõ ra
to bring out the meaning more clearly
làm nổi bật nghĩa
giới thiệu (một thiếu nữ để cho mời dự các cuộc chiêu đãi, khiêu vũ...)
to bring over
làm cho thay đổi lối suy nghĩ, thuyết phục
to bring round
làm cho tỉnh lại, làm cho trở lại
to bring round to
làm cho thay đổi ý kiến theo
to bring through
giúp vượt qua khó khăn hiểm nghèo
to bring to
dẫn đến, đưa đến (một tình trạng nào); làm cho
to bring to terms
đưa đến chỗ thoả thuận; đưa đến chỗ phải nhận điều kiện
to bring sth to light
đưa ra ánh sáng; khám phá
to bring to pass
làm cho xảy ra
to bring sth to an end
kết thúc, chấm dứt
to bring someone to his senses
làm cho ai thấy phải trái, làm cho ai phải biết điều
(hàng hải) dừng lại, đỗ lại
to bring together
gom lại; nhóm lại, họp lại
kết thân (hai người với nhau)
to bring under
làm cho vào khuôn phép, làm cho ngoan ngoãn, làm cho vâng lời, làm cho phục tùng
to bring up
đem lên, mang lên, đưa ra
nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục, nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ
to be brought up in the spirit of communism
được giáo dục theo tinh thần cộng sản
làm ngừng lại; ngừng lại, đỗ lại; (hàng hải) thả neo
lưu ý về (vấn đề gì); nêu (vấn đề)
làm cho (ai) phải đứng lên phát biểu
đưa ra toà
to bring down the house
làm cho cả rạp vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
to bring home to
làm cho nhận thấy, làm cho thấy rõ, làm cho hiểu
to bring home a truth to someone
làm cho ai hiểu một sự thật
to bring into play
phát huy
to bring to bear on
dùng, sử dụng
to bring pressure to bear on someone
dùng sức ép đối với ai
hướng về, chĩa về
to bring guns to bear on the enemy
chĩa đại bác về phía quân thù

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