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bury W3 /ˈberi/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle buried, present participle burying, third person singular buries) [transitive]
[Word Family: verb
: ↑bury; noun: ↑burial; adjective: buried]
[Language: Old English; Origin: byrgan]
1. DEAD PERSON to put someone who has died in a ↑grave
bury somebody in/at etc something
He was buried in the churchyard of St Mary’s.
2. OBJECT to put something under the ground, often in order to hide it:
Electric cables are buried beneath the streets.
3. FALL ON SOMETHING [usually passive] to fall on top of someone or something, usually harming or destroying them
be buried under/beneath etc something
The skiers were buried under the snow.
Fifty-seven miners were buried alive.
4. HIDDEN [usually passive] to cover something so that it cannot be found:
His glasses were buried under a pile of papers.
5. FEELING/MEMORY to ignore a feeling or memory and pretend that it does not exist:
a deeply buried memory
6. bury your face/head etc (in something) to press your face etc into something soft:
Noel buried his face in the pillow.
7. bury your face/head in your hands to cover your face with your hands because you are very upset
8. bury your head in the sand to ignore an unpleasant situation and hope it will stop if you do not think about it
9. bury the hatchet/bury your differences to agree to stop arguing about something and become friends
10. IN A SURFACE to push something, especially something sharp, into something else with a lot of force
bury something in something
The dog buried its teeth in my leg.
The bullet buried itself in the wall.
11. bury yourself in your work/studies etc to give all your attention to something:
After the divorce, she buried herself in her work.
12. INFORMATION to put information in a document in a place where it is unlikely to be noticed, or to not make it available to people:
The story was buried at the back of the paper.
13. LOVED ONE literary to have someone you love die:
She had buried her husband, two sons, and a daughter.
be dead and buried at ↑dead1(14)

ngoại động từ
chôn, chôn cất; mai táng
to be buried alive
bị chôn sống
chôn vùi, che đi, phủ đi, giấu đi
to be buried under snow
bị chôn vùi dưới tuyết
to bury one's hands in one's pockets
đút tay vào túi
quên đi
to bury the hatchet
giảng hoà, làm lành
to bury oneself in the country
ở ẩn dật nơi thôn dã
to bury oneself in one's books
vùi đầu vào sách vở
to be buried in thoughts (in memories of the past)
mãi mê với ý nghĩ (với những kỷ niệm xa xưa))
to have buried a relative
đã mất một người thân

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