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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.dog1 S1 W1 /dɒɡ $ dɒːɡ/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: docga]
ANIMAL a common animal with four legs, fur, and a tail. Dogs are kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs etc ⇨ puppy:
I could hear a dog barking.
He's taken the dog for a walk.
We used to have a dog when I was young.
the most popular breed of dog
2. MALE ANIMAL a male dog, ↑fox, or ↑wolfbitch
3. WOMAN informal not polite an offensive word meaning an unattractive woman
4. dog eat dog when people compete against each other and will do anything to get what they want:
It’s a dog eat dog world out there.
5. be going to the dogs informal if a country or organization is going to the dogs, it is getting worse and will be difficult to improve
6. DISHONEST informal not polite an offensive word for an unpleasant or dishonest man:
You dirty dog!
7. a dog’s life spoken a life that is difficult and unpleasant, with very little pleasure:
His wife’s a nag who leads him a dog’s life (=makes his life unpleasant).
8. make a dog’s breakfast of something British English informal to do something very badly:
The orchestra made a complete dog’s breakfast of the fourth movement.
9. a dog’s dinner British English informal something that is meant to be impressive or fashionable but that other people think is not:
She was dressed up like a dog’s dinner.
10. not have a dog’s chance British English informal to have no chance of being successful
11. every dog has its/his day used to say that even the most unimportant person has a time in their life when they are successful and important
12. like a dog with two tails British English informal very pleased and happy because something good has happened
13. a dog in the manger someone who cannot have or does not need something, but does not want anyone else to have it
14. FEET dogs [plural] American English informal feet:
Boy, my dogs really hurt.
15. POOR QUALITY American English informal something that is of very poor quality
16. dog and pony show American English an event that has only been organized so that people can admire it and think that it is impressive, not for any real purpose
17. be the dog’s bollocks British English informal a very rude expression used to say that something is very good
18. put on the dog American English old-fashioned to pretend to be richer, more clever etc than you really are
19. the dogs British English informal a sports event consisting of a series of races for dogs
the hair of the dog at ↑hair(13), ⇨ ↑shaggy dog story, ⇨ as sick as a dog at ↑sick1(1), ⇨ let sleeping dogs lie at ↑sleep1(6), ⇨ the tail wagging the dog at ↑tail1(11), ⇨ ↑top dog, ⇨ treat someone like a dog at ↑treat1(1)
• • •
have a dog (=keep one as a pet) We have one dog and two cats.
walk a dog/take a dog for a walk She loves walking her dogs on the beach.
a dog bites somebody Their dog had bitten a little girl on the leg.
a dog barks (=makes short loud sounds) The dog barks every time someone comes to the door.
a dog yaps (=barks – used of small dogs) A little dog was yapping at her heels.
a dog growls (=makes a long deep angry sound) The dog growled at me as I walked towards it.
a dog snarls (=shows its teeth and makes an angry sound) When a dog snarls, it is threatening attack.
a dog whines (=makes a long high sound because it is unhappy or in pain) I could hear the dogs whining outside the door.
a dog howls (=makes a long loud sound like a wolf) We knew something was wrong because the dogs were howling.
a dog pants (=breathes quickly usually with its tongue hanging out) The dog was panting heavily beside her.
a dog wags its tail (=moves its tail from side to side to show pleasure) The dog stood up and wagged his tail.
a pet dog (=that you keep in your house) Some owners give their pet dogs too much food.
a family dog (=that belongs to a family) Labradors make a great family dog.
a wild dog Packs of wild dogs roamed the countryside.
a stray dog (=a pet dog that is lost) He was always bringing home stray dogs.
a guide dog (=trained to guide a blind person) No dogs except guide dogs are allowed in the store.
a guard dog (=trained to guard a building) The guard dog growled at him.
a police dog (=trained to help the police) Police dogs helped in the search for the missing child.
a sniffer dog British English (=trained to find drugs or bombs) Police and sniffer dogs have become a regular presence at the airport.
dog + NOUN
dog food a can of dog food
a dog owner Dog owners must be responsible for controlling their animals.
a dog lover (=someone who loves dogs) Britain is a nation of dog lovers.
a dog handler (=someone whose job is training and working with dogs) Dog handlers decided that the dog was dangerous and should be shot.
a dog show (=competition for the best dog) Crufts is the largest dog show in the world.
a breed of dog (=a type of dog) It is one of the most fashionable breeds of dog.
a pack of dogs (=a group of wild dogs or stray dogs) There are packs of wild dogs in the mountains.
Good dog! (=said to a dog when it obeys you) Sit! Good dog!
Beware of the dog! (=a sign warning people that there is a dog inside a place) There was a sign on the gate saying 'Beware of the dog!'.
II.dog2 BrE AmE verb
(past tense and past participle dogged, present participle dogging) [transitive]
1. if a problem or bad luck dogs you, it causes trouble for a long time:
He has been dogged by injury all season.
2. to follow close behind someone



Dogs wag their tails when they're happy.

danh từ
chó săn
chó đực; chó sói đực ((cũng) dog wolf); cáo đực ((cũng) dog fox)
kẻ đê tiện, kẻ đáng khinh, đồ chó má; kẻ cắn cẩu cục cằn
gã, thằng cha
a sly dog
thằng cha ma giáo, thằng cha ranh ma
Greater Dog
(thiên văn học) chòm sao Đại-thiên-lang
Lesser Dog
chòm sao Tiểu-thiên-lang
(số nhiều) vỉ lò ở lò sưởi ((cũng) fire dogs)
(kỹ thuật) móng kìm, cặp, móc ngoạm, gàu ngoạm
mống bão ở chân trời ((cũng) sea dog)
(như) dogfish
to be a dog in the manger
như chó già giữ xương; ích kỷ, không muốn ai dùng đến cái gì mình không cần đến
to die a dog's death
to die like a dog
chết khổ sở, chết nhục nhã, chết như một con chó
dog and war
những sự tàn phá giết chóc của chiến tranh
every dog has his day
ai rồi cũng có lúc gặp vận; không ai giàu ba họ, không ai khó ba đời
to give a dog an ill name and hang him
muốn giết chó thì bảo là chó dại; không ưa thì dưa có giòi
to go to the dogs
thất cơ lỡ vận, khánh kiệt, xuống dốc ((nghĩa bóng))
to help a lame dog over stile
giúp đỡ ai trong cơn hoạn nạn
to lead a dog's life
sống một cuộc đời khổ như chó
to lead someone a dog's life
bắt ai sống một cuộc đời khổ cực
let sleeping dogs lie
(tục ngữ) đừng gợi lại những chuyện không hay trong quá khứ; đừng bới cứt ra mà ngửi
love me, love my dog
yêu tôi thì hãy yêu cả những người thân của tôi
not even a dog's chance
không có chút may mắn nào
not to have a word to throw at the dog
lầm lì không mở miệng nói nửa lời; kiêu kỳ không thèm mở miệng nói nửa lời
to put on dog
(thông tục) làm bộ làm tịch, làm ra vẻ ta đây, làm ra vẻ ta đây quan trọng
it rains cats and dogs
(xem) rain
to take a hair of the dog that bit you
(xem) hair
to throw to the dogs
vứt bỏ đi, quẳng đi (cho chó)
a dog's breakfast/dinner
tình trạng hỗn độn tạp nhạp
to be dressed like a dog's dinner
ăn mặc diêm dúa, loè loẹt
the tail wagging the dog
cái nhỏ lại quyết định tình hình của cái bao quát
you cannot teach an old dog new tricks
tre già khó uốn (không dễ gì thuyết phục được người già)
ngoại động từ
theo nhùng nhằng, theo sát gót, bám sát (ai)
to dog someone's footsteps
bám sát ai
(kỹ thuật) kẹp bằng kìm, cặp bằng móc ngoạm

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