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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.last1 S1 W1 /lɑːst $ læst/ BrE AmE determiner, adjective
1. most recent or nearest to the present time ⇨ next(12):
I hadn’t seen him since the last meeting.
last night/week/year etc
Did you see the game on TV last night?
The law was passed last August.
Interest in golf has grown rapidly in the last ten years.
Things have changed since the last time (=the most recent occasion) you were here.
2. happening or existing at the end, with no others after OPP first:
I didn’t read the last chapter of the book.
The next meeting will be held in the last week in June.
the last person/thing etc to do something
Anna was the last person to see him alive.
last but one/two etc (=last except for one other, two others etc)
on the last but one day of his trial
second/next to last (=last except for one other)
the second to last paragraph
3. remaining after all others have gone, been used etc:
Can I have the last piece of cake?
every last (=used to emphasize that you mean all of something)
All the money was gone; every last penny of it.
4. the last minute/moment the latest possible time before something happens:
Travelers will find it hard to get a hotel room at the last minute.
He never makes a decision until almost the last moment.
5. the last person/thing used to make a strong negative statement about someone or something:
She’s the last person I’d expect to meet in a disco (=I would not expect to meet her in a disco at all).
Money was the last thing I cared about right now.
the last thing somebody needs/wants
The last thing she needed was for me to start crying too.
6. be the last straw to be the final thing in a series of annoying things that makes someone very angry:
He’d broken his promise again, and it was the last straw.
7. last thing (at night) at the very end of the day:
Take a couple of these pills last thing at night to help you sleep.
8. on your last legs informal
a) very tired:
Sarah looks as if she’s on her last legs.
b) very ill and likely to die soon
9. on its last legs informal old or in bad condition, and likely to stop working soon:
The car’s on its last legs.
10. be the last word in something to be the best, most modern, or most comfortable example of something:
It’s the last word in luxury holidays.
last resort at ↑resort1(2), ⇨ with your last/dying breath at ↑breath(9), ⇨ ↑last hurrah, ⇨ have the last laugh at ↑laugh2(6), ⇨ the last/final word at ↑word1(14)
• • •
the one before this one
last most recent or nearest to the present time: His last film was much better. | It rained all day last Saturday. | The last time I saw her was two years ago.
previous before this one, or before the one that you are talking about: See the diagram in the previous chapter. | His previous records had all been jazz records. | How much were you earning in your previous job?
former [only before noun] formal existing or having a particular position in the past, but not now: the former Soviet Union | the former US president | Interest rates are unlikely to return to their former level. | the former Chief Executive
old [only before noun] used about a person or thing that existed in the past, but has been replaced by a newer one: an old boyfriend | The old model was much slower.
the one that comes at the end
last [only before noun] happening or existing at the end, with no others after: What time does the last train leave? | Our house is the last one on the right.
final [only before noun] last in a series of actions, events, parts of a story etc: It’s the final game of the championship tomorrow. | the final scene of the film
closing [only before noun] used about the last part of a long period of time, or of an event, book etc that has been exciting or interesting: the closing years of the twentieth century | Barnes scored the winning goal in the closing minutes of the game.
concluding [only before noun] used about the last part of a piece of writing, a speech, or an organized event, that ends it in a definite way: the concluding section of the report | the judge’s concluding remarks
penultimate /peˈnʌltəmət, peˈnʌltɪmət, pə-/ [only before noun] the one before the last one: the penultimate chapter
II.last2 S1 W1 BrE AmE adverb

1. most recently before now ⇨ next:
When I last saw her, she was working in New York.
2. after everything or everyone else OPP first:
Who is speaking last?
Add the flour last.
last of all (=used when giving a final point or piece of information)
Last of all, I’d like to thank everyone for coming.
3. last but not least used when mentioning the last person or thing in a list, to emphasize that they are still important:
Last but not least, let me introduce Jane, our new secretary.
III.last3 S1 W1 BrE AmE noun
, pronoun

1. the last the person or thing that comes after all the others OPP first:
I think this box is the last.
the last to do something
He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.
2. at (long) last if something happens at last, it happens after you have been hoping, waiting, or working for it a long time:
At last it was time to leave.
We reached the summit at last.
3. the day/week/year etc before last the day, week etc before the one that has just finished:
I sent the letter off the week before last.
4. the last of something the remaining parts of something:
John ate the last of the bread at lunchtime.
5. somebody hasn’t heard the last of somebody/something if you have not heard the last of someone or something, they may return and cause problems for you in the future:
We haven’t heard the last of football violence.
6. somebody will never hear the last of something if you will never hear the last of something, someone will be angry with you about it for a long time:
If my mother sees me, I’ll never hear the last of this.
7. the last I heard spoken used to tell someone the most recent news that you know about a person or situation:
The last I heard, she was at college studying law.
8. to the last formal until the end of an event or the end of someone’s life:
He died in 1987, insisting to the last he was innocent.
IV.last4 S1 W2 BrE AmE verb
[Language: Old English; Origin: læstan 'to last, follow']
1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to continue for a particular length of time
last for/until/through etc
The hot weather lasted for the whole month of June.
last an hour/ten minutes etc
Each lesson lasts an hour.
The ceasefire didn’t last long.
2. [intransitive and transitive] to continue to exist, be effective, or remain in good condition for a long time:
This good weather won’t last.
last (somebody) two days/three weeks etc
A good coat will last you ten years.
Cut flowers will last longer if you put flower food in the water.
3. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] (also last out (something) British English) to manage to remain in the same situation, even when this is difficult:
They won’t be able to last much longer without fresh supplies.
If you go into the job with that attitude, you won’t last long.
She feared she might not be able to last out the afternoon in court without fainting.
4. [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to be enough for someone for a period of time SYN do
last (somebody) for/until/to etc
The batteries should last for 20 hours playing time.
We only had $50 to last us the rest of the month.
• • •
to continue to happen
continue to happen without stopping: The good weather seems likely to continue. | Unless there are serious negotiations, the fighting will continue. | Some people have lost work, and this will continue to happen until the computer system is fixed. | The review process is expected to continue for several weeks.
last to continue – use this to say how long something continues for: I know my good luck won’t last forever. | It’s not certain how long the ceasefire will last. | The trial lasted for six days. | The meeting lasted until lunchtime. | The training period lasted from July 2 to August 25.
go on to continue, especially for a long time: Disputes between neighbours can go on for years.
carry on British English to continue, especially when there are problems: The game carried on despite the injury of two players.
drag on to continue for much longer than necessary or for longer than you want: The meeting dragged on for another hour. | The talks dragged on, with no apparent hope of achieving a peaceful solution.
persist formal if something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen: See your doctor if the symptoms persist. | If adverse weather conditions persist, the game will be cancelled.
V.last5 BrE AmE noun
[Language: Old English; Origin: læste, from last 'footmark']
a piece of wood or metal shaped like a human foot, used by someone who makes and repairs shoes



The last item or person is the one at the end.

danh từ
lát (đơn vị đo trọng tải của tàu thủy, bằng 2000 kg)
khuôn giày, cốt giày
to stick to one's last
không cố gắng làm những điều mà mình không thể làm tốt; bỏ cuộc
danh từ
người cuối cùng, vật sau cùng
these are the last of our apples
đây là những quả táo cuối cùng của chúng tôi
we invited Bill, Tom and Sue - the last being Bill's sister
chúng tôi mới Bill, Tom và Sue - người cuối cùng là em gái Bill
to be the last to come
là người đến sau cùng
to be near one's last
sắp chết
at (long) last
rốt cuộc; sau hết
from first to last
xem first
to hear/see the last of somebody/something
nghe thấy/gặp ai/cái gì lần cuối cùng
to/till the last
đến hơi thở cuối cùng
to fight to the last
chiến đấu đến hơi thở cuối cùng
to breathe one's last
trút hơi thở cuối cùng
tính từ
cuối cùng, sau chót, sau rốt
December is the last month of the year
Tháng mười hai là tháng cuối cùng trong năm
the last time I saw her
lần cuối cùng tôi gặp cô ta
the last two/the two last people to arrive
hai người đến sau cùng
the last page of a book
trang cuối cùng của quyển sách
this is our last bottle
đây là chai rượu cuối cùng còn lại của chúng tôi
I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth
cho dù anh là người cuối cùng còn lại trên quả đất này, tôi vẫn không lấy anh
he knew this was his last hope of winning
nó biết rằng đây là hy vọng cuối cùng để chiến thắng
mới nhất; gần đây nhất; vừa qua; trước
last night/week/month/summer/year
đêm qua/tuần qua/tháng trước/mùa hè vừa qua/năm ngoái
last Tuesday/on Tuesday last
thứ ba vừa qua
in/for/during the last fortnight, few weeks, two decades
trong mười lăm ngày, vài tuần, hai thập niên vừa qua
không thích hợp nhất, ít chắc chắn nhất
the last thing I'd expect him to do
cái điều tôi không thể tin nó sẽ làm
she's the last person to trust with a secret
cô ta là người không bao giờ đáng tin cậy để tiết lộ một bí mật nào
vô cùng, cực kỳ, rất mực, tột bực
a question of the last importance
một vấn đề cực kỳ quan trọng
to be at one's last gasp
giãy chết, vùng vẫy lần cuối trước khi chết (nghĩa bóng)
to be on one's last legs
suy yếu cùng cực
the day before last
cách đây hai ngày
to draw one's first/ last breath
chào đời/qua đời
every last/single one
bao gọi mọi người hoặc mọi vật trong một nhóm
we spent every last penny we had on the house
chúng tôi đã tiêu đến xu cuối cùng vào cái nhà này
famous last words
những lời lẽ mà người phát ra cảm thấy hối tiếc
first/last/next but one, two, three
xem first
first/last thing
xem thing
to have the last laugh
cuối cùng vẫn thắng
to have the last word
có đóng góp cuối cùng và quyết định vào một lập luận, một cuộc tranh cãi
in the last/final analysis
suy cho cùng, nghĩ cho cùng
in the last resort; (as) a/ one's last resort
như là phương kế sau cùng
one's last/dying breath
xem breath
the last ditch
nỗ lực cuối cùng có thể làm được để đảm bảo sự an toàn
the last lap
giai đoạn cuối cùng của cuộc hành trình hoặc cuộc thi...
the last minute/moment
thời điểm cuối cùng trước một sự kiện quan trọng
the last/final straw
sự kiện làm cho tình hình chung càng thêm tồi tệ
the last word in something
cái mới nhất, tiên tiến nhất
ten years ago, this dress was considered the last word in elegance
cách đây mười năm, cái áo này được coi là thanh lịch nhất
the last word on something
lời tuyên bố/giải thích dứt khoát về vấn đề gì đó
to say/be one's last word on something
đưa ra/là ý kiến cuối cùng hoặc quyết định cuối cùng
to a man/to the last man
xem man
a week last Monday
cách đây tám hôm, cách đây tám ngày
phó từ
sau tất cả những người khác; cuối cùng; sau cùng
he came last in the race
hắn về cuối trong cuộc đua
this country ranks last in industrial output
nước này đứng hàng cuối cùng về sản lượng công nghiệp
lần gầnđây nhất; lần cuối cùng
when did you see him last?
anh gặp hắn lần sau cùng là lúc nào?
I saw him last/last saw him in New York two years ago
tôi gặp nó lần sau cùng ở New York cách đây hai năm
they last defeated England in 1972
họ đánh bại đội Anh lần cuối cùng năm 1972
first and last
từ đầu đến cuối
he who laughs last laughs longest
cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười
last in, first out
vào sau cùng thì ra trước hết
the firm will apply the principle of 'last in, first out'
công ty sẽ áp dụng nguyên tắc ai mới được nhận vào làm sẽ bị sa thải đầu tiên
last but not least
cuối cùng nhưng không phải kém quan trọng những cái khác
and last but not least there is the question of adequate funding
cuối cùng nhưng không kém quan trọng là vấn đề tài trợ thích đáng
động từ
tiếp tục một thời gian; kéo dài
the trip will last three months
chuyến đi sẽ kéo dài ba tháng
the pyramids were really built to last
các kim tự tháp thực sự được xây dựng để tồn tại lâu dài
how long do you think this fine weather will last?
anh cho rằng thời tiết tốt này còn sẽ kéo dài bao lâu?
she won't last long in that job - it's too tough
cô ta sẽ không làm việc này lâu bền - hắc búa quá
the war lasted (for) five years
chiến tranh đã kéo dài năm năm
I am sure that his teacher will not last out the night
tôi chắc chắn rằng thầy của anh ta không qua khỏi đêm nay
đủ, còn đủ
will rice last till tomorrow evening?
liệu có đủ gạo ăn đến tối mai hay không?
enough food to last (us) three days
đủ thức ăn (cho chúng ta) trong ba ngày
(to last something out) đủ mạnh để sống lâu hoặc kéo dài cái gì
He's very ill and probably won't last (out) the night
Ông ta ốm nặng và có thể sẽ không sống được qua đêm nay

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