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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.separate1 S2 W2 /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE adjective [no comparative]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑separation, ↑separates, ↑separatist, ↑separatism, ↑separator, inseperability; adjective: ↑separable ≠ ↑inseparable, ↑separate, ↑separated; adverb: ↑inseparably, ↑separately; verb: ↑separate]
1. different:
Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.
My wife and I have separate bank accounts.
2. not related to or not affected by something else:
That’s a separate issue.
He was attacked on two separate occasions.
separate from
He tries to keep his professional life completely separate from his private life.
3. not joined to or touching something else:
The gym and the sauna are in separate buildings.
separate from
Keep the fish separate from the other food.
4. go your separate ways
a) if people go their separate ways, they stop being friends or lovers
b) if people who have been travelling together go their separate ways, they start travelling in different directions
—separately adverb:
They did arrive together, but I think they left separately.
II.separate2 S2 W2 /ˈsepəreɪt/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: noun: ↑separation, ↑separates, ↑separatist, ↑separatism, ↑separator, inseperability; adjective: ↑separable ≠ ↑inseparable, ↑separate, ↑separated; adverb: ↑inseparably, ↑separately; verb: ↑separate]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: past participle of separare, from se- 'apart' + parare 'to prepare, get']
1. BE BETWEEN [transitive] if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other
separate something from something
The lighthouse is separated from the land by a wide channel.
2. DIVIDE [intransitive and transitive] to divide or split into different parts, or to make something do this:
This will keep your dressing from separating.
separate from
At this point, the satellite separates from its launcher.
separate something into something
Separate the students into four groups.
First, separate the eggs (=divide the white part from the yellow part).
3. STOP LIVING TOGETHER [intransitive] if two people who are married or have been living together separate, they start to live apart:
Jill and John separated a year ago.
4. RECOGNIZE DIFFERENCE [transitive] to recognize that one thing or idea is different from another
separate something from something
She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy.
5. MOVE APART [intransitive and transitive] if people separate, or if someone or something separates them, they move apart:
Ed stepped in to separate the two dogs.
separate somebody from somebody/something
In the fog, they got separated from the group.
6. MAKE SOMEBODY/SOMETHING DIFFERENT [transitive] to be the quality or fact that makes someone or something different from other people or things
separate something from something
The capacity to think separates humans from animals.
7. BETTER/OLDER [transitive] if an amount separates two things, one thing is better or older than the other by that amount:
Three points now separate the two teams.
8. separate the men from the boys informal to show clearly which people are brave, strong, or skilled, and which are not
9. separate the sheep from the goats British English (also separate the wheat from the chaff) to separate the good things from the bad things
• • •
to make something separate
separate verb
[transitive] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other: Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies. | The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
divide verb
[transitive] to make something become two or more parts or groups: The teacher divided us into groups. | The money was divided between them. | The house is divided into three apartments.
split verb
[transitive] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size: The class was split into groups of six.
break something up phrasal verb
[transitive] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with: The phone company was broken up to encourage competition. | Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.
segregate verb
[transitive] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc: Schools were racially segregated. | Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.
to become separate
separate verb
[intransitive] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way: A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.
split verb
[intransitive] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size: What happens when an atom splits?
break up phrasal verb
[intransitive] to separate into several smaller parts: In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.
separate somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb

1. to divide a group of people or things into smaller groups:
We must separate out these different factors and examine each one.
2. to remove one type of thing or person from a group
separate somebody/something ↔ out from
Many older people may prefer not to be separated out from the rest of the adult population.

tính từ
(separate from somebody / something) tự nó tạo thành một đơn vị; tồn tại riêng rẽ; riêng biệt
the children sleep in separate beds
bọn trẻ ngủ trong từng giừơng riêng (bọn trẻ không ngủ chung giừơng với nhau, vì em nào (cũng) có giừơng riêng)
backsliders are kept separate from first offenders
những kẻ tái phạm được nhốt riêng với những người mới phạm tội lần đầu
they lead separate lives
họ sống riêng biệt với nhau (không sống và làm việc chung với nhau)
we can't work together anymore, I think it's time we went our separate ways
chúng ta không làm việc chung với nhau được nữa, đã đến lùc đường ai nấy đi
tách rời nhau; không dính với nhau; khác nhau
the two questions are essentially separate
về căn bản, hai vấn đề đó không dính với nhau
it happened on three separate occasions
chuyện đó xảy ra ở ba trường hợp khác nhau
separate maintenance
tiền cấp cho vợ (sau khi đã thoả thuận không ở với nhau nữa)
danh từ, số nhiều separates
bản in rời (bài trích ở báo...)
(số nhiều) quần áo rời; quần, áo lẻ (mặc lại thành những bộ khác nhau)
động từ
(to separate somebody / something from somebody / something) (to separate something into something) làm rời ra, tách rời ra
the two parts of the pipe have separated at the joint
hai phần của ống tẩu đã rời ra ở chỗ nối
the branch has separated from the trunk of the tree
cành đã lìa ra khỏi thân cây
the land has been separated (up) into small plots
đất đai được phân ra thành từng mảnh nhỏ
the children were separated into small groups for the game
bọn trẻ con được chia thành nhiều nhóm nhỏ để chơi
(to separate something from something) (làm cho cái gì) ngưng kết hợp thành một hỗn hợp lỏng
oil and water always separate out
dầu và nước luôn tách rời nhau
(to separate something from something) nằm hoặc đứng giữa (hai nước, khu vực.....) để tách rời hai bên
a deep gorge separates the two halves of the city
một hẻm núi sâu chia thành phố làm đôi
this range of mountain separates the two countries
dãy núi này phân cách hai xứ
England is separated from France by the Channel
nước Anh ngăn cách với nước Pháp bởi biển Măng-sơ
politics is the only thing which separates us
chính trị là điều duy nhất ngăn cách chúng ta
(nói về người) chia taynhau
we talked until midnight and then separated
chúng tôi nói chuyện đến nửa đêm rồi mới chia tay nhau
không sống với nhau như vợ chồng nữa; chia tay; ly thân
after ten years of marriage, they decided to separate
sau mười năm chung sống với nhau, họ quyết định ly thân

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