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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

sticky /ˈstɪki/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative stickier, superlative stickiest)
[Word Family: adjective: ↑sticky, ↑stuck, ↑unstuck, ↑non-stick; noun: ↑sticker, ↑stickiness; verb: ↑stick]
1. made of or covered with a substance that sticks to surfaces:
There’s some sticky stuff in your hair.
a sticky floor
sticky tape/label etc British English (=tape etc that is made so it will stick to surfaces)
2. weather that is sticky makes you feel uncomfortably hot, wet, and dirty SYN humid:
It was hot and sticky and there was nowhere to sit.
3. a sticky situation, question, or problem is difficult or dangerous:
a sticky political issue
sticky patch British English:
The business hit a sticky patch and lost £4.8 million.
4. a website that is sticky is interesting to the people looking at it and makes them want to look at it for a long period of time
5. have sticky fingers informal to be likely to steal something
6. come to/meet a sticky end British English informal to die in a violent way
7. be on a sticky wicket British English informal to be in a situation that will cause problems for you
—stickiness noun [uncountable]

tính từ
dính; nhớt; bầy nhầy, nhớp nháp
sticky fingers covered in jam
những ngón tay dính đầy mứt
(thông tục) nồm (thời tiết nóng và ẩm một cách khó chịu, làm đổ mồ hôi)
a sticky August afternoon
một buổi chiều nồm tháng tám
(thông tục) khó tính, khó khăn (tính nết)
to be very sticky about something
làm khó làm dễ cái gì 3 (từ lóng)
(thông tục) rất khó chịu, rất đau đớn
to come to a sticky end
chết một cách rất đau đớn
(thông tục) có phần phản đối
sticky fingers
xu hướng ăn cắp
a sticky wicket
mặt sân bị ướt, khô nhanh dưới ánh nắng mặt trời và khó đánh bóng (trong môn cricket)
tình huống khó giải quyết

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