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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.stroke1 S3 /strəʊk $ stroʊk/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: Probably from an unrecorded Old English strac]
1. ILLNESS if someone has a stroke, an ↑artery (=tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die or be unable to use some muscles:
She died following a massive stroke.
have/suffer a stroke
I looked after my father after he had a stroke.
a stroke patient
a) one of a set of movements in swimming or rowing in which you move your arms or the ↑oar forward and then back:
She swam with strong steady strokes.
b) a style of swimming or rowing:
the breast stroke
3. SPORT the action of hitting the ball in games such as tennis, ↑golf, and ↑cricket:
a backhand stroke
a) a single movement of a pen or brush when you are writing or painting:
A few strokes of her pen brought out his features clearly.
b) a line made by a pen or brush:
the thick downward strokes of the characters
5. at a/one stroke with a single sudden action:
At one stroke, the country lost two outstanding leaders.
6. on the stroke of seven/nine etc at exactly seven o'clock etc:
She arrived home on the stroke of midnight.
The only goal of the match came on the stroke of half time.
7. stroke of luck/fortune something lucky that happens to you unexpectedly:
In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.
8. stroke of genius/inspiration etc a very good idea about what to do to solve a problem:
It was a stroke of genius to film the movie in Toronto.
9. HIT an action of hitting someone with something such as a whip or thin stick:
He cried out at each stroke of the whip.
10. A MOVEMENT OF YOUR HAND a gentle movement of your hand over something:
I gave her hair a gentle stroke.
11. with/at a stroke of the pen if someone in authority does something with a stroke of the pen, they sign an official document to make a decision with important and serious results:
He had the power to order troops home with a stroke of his pen.
12. not do a stroke (of work) British English informal to not do any work at all
13. stroke of lightning a bright flash of lightning, especially one that hits something
14. CLOCK/BELL a single sound made by a clock giving the hours, or by a bell, ↑gong etc
15. put somebody off their stroke British English informal to make someone stop giving all their attention to what they are doing:
Seeing Frank watching me put me off my stroke.
16. IN NUMBERS British English used when you are saying a number written with the mark (/) in it SYN slash:
The serial number is seventeen stroke one (=17/1).
• • •
have/suffer a stroke My father had a stroke.
a stroke leaves somebody paralysed (=someone can no longer move as the result of a stroke) Two years later she had a stroke which left her paralysed.
a massive/major stroke (=one that has very bad effects) Her brother has just died of a massive stroke.
a minor/mild stroke (=one that does not have very bad effects) She had a minor stroke five years ago.
a fatal stroke (=one that kills someone) He suffered a fatal stroke in April.
stroke + NOUN
a stroke patient/victim Some stroke victims recover fully.
II.stroke2 BrE AmE verb
[Sense 1-2,4: Language: Old English; Origin: stracian]
[Sense 3: Date: 1900-2000; Origin: ⇨ ↑stroke1]

1. to move your hand gently over something:
He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly.
2. [always + adverb/preposition] to move something somewhere with gentle movements of your hand:
He lifted her face and stroked her hair from her eyes.
3. [always + adverb/preposition] to hit or kick a ball with a smooth movement in games such as tennis, golf, and ↑cricket:
He stroked the ball into an empty net, with a minute to go.
4. stroke sb’s ego to say nice things to someone to make them feel good, especially because you want something from them
• • •
touch somebody gently or lovingly
stroke to move your hand gently over something, especially in a loving way: She stroked the child’s hair. | Our cat won’t let people stroke him.
pat to touch an animal or child lightly several times, with your hand flat: He knelt down to pat the dog. | She patted the little boy’s head.
pet to touch and move your hand gently over someone, especially an animal or child: The goats, pigs, sheep, and cows here allow you to pet them.
caress /kəˈres/ to gently touch a part of someone’s body in a loving way: a mother caressing her child | She caressed his cheek.
fondle to touch a part of someone’s body in a loving or sexual way – use this especially about touching someone in a sexual way that is not wanted: He tried to fondle her and she immediately pulled away from him.

danh từ
cú đánh; đòn; nhát
20 strokes with a whip
hai mươi cú đánh bằng roi
to kill somebody with one stroke of a sword
giết ai bằng một nhát gươm
killed by a stroke of lightning
bị sét đánh chết
finishing stroke
đòn kết liễu
(thể thao) hành động đánh quả bóng; cú đánh dùng làm đơn vị ghi điểm
a forehand stroke
một cú tiu bên phải
a graceful stroke with the bat
cầm gậy đánh một cú thật đẹp
she won by two strokes
cô ta đánh thắng hai điểm
(y học) đột quỵ
a stroke of apoplexy
đột quỵ ngập máu
the stroke left him paralysed on one side of his body
cơn đột quỵ khiến ông ta liệt nửa người
sải; nhịp chèo
long powerful strokes
những sải bơi dài và mạnh mẽ
kiểu bơi
to do the breast-stroke, back-stroke
bơi ếch, bơi ngửa
which stroke are you best at?
anh thạo kiểu bơi nào nhất?
(trong đội chèo thuyền) người cầm chèo ngồi gần lái nhất và giữ nhịp chèo cho chiếc thuyền đua
nét (bút)
thin/thick strokes
những nét bút mảnh/đậm
up stroke
nét lên
down stroke
nét xuống
to portray with a few strokes
vẽ bằng một vài nét
I could do it with a stroke of the pen
tôi chỉ gạch một nét bút là xong việc ấy
finishing strokes
những nét sửa sang cuối cùng, những nét trau chuốt cuối cùng
tiếng chuông đồng hồ
on the stroke of nine
khi đồng hồ điểm chín tiếng
to arrive on the stroke of time
đến đúng giờ
hành động hoặc việc xảy ra duy nhất thành công hoặc có hiệu quả (thuộc một loại nào đó)
a stroke of business
sự buôn may bán lời; một món phát tài
your idea was a stroke of genius
ý kiến của anh là một sáng kiến thiên tài!
it was a stroke of luck that I found you here
tôi gặp anh ở đây thật là may
various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin
nhiều chuyện không may đã dẫn ông ấy đến chỗ phá sản
hành động vuốt ve; động tác vuốt ve
I gave her hair an affectionate stroke
tôi trìu mến vuốt tóc cô ấy
at a/one stroke
bằng một hành động duy nhất tức khắc
they threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke
họ doạ xoá toẹt toàn bộ đề án
not to do a stroke of work
không làm việc; chẳng làm việc gì cả
to put somebody off his stroke
làm cho ai phải do dự, ngập ngừng trong việc anh ta đang làm
my speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption
bài diễn văn của tôi rất trôi chảy cho đếnkhi sự xen ngang đó làm cho tôi phải ngắc ngứ
ngoại động từ
làm người cầm chèo ở phía lái cho (một chiếc thuyền hoặc một đoàn thủy thủ)
đánh (quả bóng)
vuốt; vuốt ve
to stroke a cat/ one's beard/ somebody's back
vuốt ve con mèo/vuốt râu/vuốt lưng ai
to stroke somebody down
làm ai nguôi giận
to stroke somebody's hair the wrong way
làm ai phát cáu

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