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validate AC /ˈvælədeɪt, ˈvælɪdeɪt/ BrE AmE verb [transitive]
[Word Family: verb
: ↑validate ≠ ↑invalidate; noun: ↑validity ≠ ↑invalidity; adjective: ↑valid ≠ ↑invalid]
1. formal to prove that something is true or correct, or to make a document or agreement officially and legally acceptable SYN confirm:
The Supreme Court has validated the lower court’s interpretation of the law.
Many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research.
2. to make someone feel that their ideas and feelings are respected and considered seriously:
Talking with people who think like you helps validate your feelings.
3. American English if a business validates a ticket from a ↑parking garage, it puts a special mark on it, showing that it will pay the parking costs
—validation /ˌvæləˈdeɪʃən, ˌvælɪˈdeɪʃən/ noun [uncountable and countable]
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confirm if a piece of new information confirms an idea or belief that people already have, it shows that it is definitely true: Police have found new evidence that confirms his story. | The discovery seems to confirm that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.
prove to show that something is definitely true by providing facts: DNA tests proved that he was the father of the child. | I think we’ve proved that we are a good team.
back up to provide additional information to help prove that a statement, belief, or explanation is correct: When you write a history essay, you should back up all your points with facts. | Wright was accused of pretending to be injured, and this was backed up by video evidence.
support to help to prove that a belief, idea etc is probably true: Do you have any evidence to support these claims? | The notion that women are worse drivers than men is simply not supported by the facts.
bear something out if facts or information bear out a claim or opinion, they suggest that something is likely to be true: Most of the available evidence bears out the view that students learn better in small classes. | Marriage is not always easy; a fact that is clearly borne out in divorce statistics.
corroborate formal to provide additional information which supports or agrees with something – used in scientific and legal contexts: Levine claims that a third car was involved in the accident and witnesses have corroborated this. | Professor Carling’s findings have been corroborated by more recent research.
substantiate formal to provide additional information that helps to prove that a statement is correct, especially if the statement is difficult to believe: A police investigation failed to substantiate the claim that he had been sexually abused.
validate formal to prove that information or results are correct by using scientific tests or very careful checking – used in scientific or technical contexts: All the information used in this report has been validated by an independent panel of experts.

ngoại động từ
phê chuẩn, thông qua, làm cho có hiệu lực, xác nhận tính hợp lệ
to validate a contract
làm cho một hợp đồng có hiệu lực
công nhận có giá trị, làm cho lôgich, làm cho hợp lý, làm cho chính đáng
to validate a thesis
công nhận giá trị của một luận án

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