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weigh S3 W3 /weɪ/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: adjective: ↑overweight ≠ ↑underweight, ↑weighted, ↑weighty, ↑weightless; verb: ↑weigh, ↑outweigh, ↑weight; noun: ↑weight, weights, ↑weighting]
[Language: Old English; Origin: wegan 'to move, carry, weigh']
1. BE A PARTICULAR WEIGHT [linking verb] to have a particular weight:
The young birds weigh only a few grams.
Do you know how much it weighs?
What (=how much) do you weigh?
The box was full of books and weighed a ton (=was very heavy).
2. MEASURE WEIGHT [transitive] to use a machine to discover how much something or someone weighs:
He weighed some potatoes on the scales.
weigh yourself
Have you weighed yourself lately?
3. CONSIDER/COMPARE (also weigh up) [transitive] to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it:
It is my job to weigh the evidence.
weigh something against something
We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs.
4. INFLUENCE [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] formal to influence someone’s opinion and the decision that they make
weigh against
This unfortunate experience will weigh heavily against further investment in the area.
weigh in somebody's/sth’s favour
These facts will weigh in your favour.
weigh with
Her evidence weighed strongly with the judge.
5. weigh your words to think very carefully about what you say because you do not want to say the wrong thing:
He was weighing his words carefully.
6. weigh anchor to raise an ↑anchor and sail away
weigh somebody down phrasal verb

1. if something weighs you down, it is heavy and difficult to carry
be weighed down with something
Sally was weighed down with shopping bags.
2. if a problem weighs you down, it makes you feel worried and upset
be weighed down by/with something
He felt weighed down by his responsibilities.
a family weighed down with grief
weigh in phrasal verb

1. to have your weight measured before taking part in a competition
weigh in at
Higgins weighed in at just over 100 kilos. ⇨ ↑weigh-in
2. informal to join in an argument or fight
weigh in with
The chairman then weighed in with his views.
weigh on somebody/something phrasal verb

to make someone feel worried and upset:
The desire for peace will weigh heavily on the negotiators.
I’m sure there’s something weighing on his mind.
The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.
weigh something ↔ out phrasal verb
to measure an amount of something by weighing it:
She weighed out half a kilo of rice.
weigh somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
1. to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it:
We’re still weighing up the pros and cons (=the advantages and disadvantages) of the two options.
2. to watch someone and listen to them carefully so that you can form an opinion about what they are like:
I could see that he was weighing me up.
• • •
to think about something
think to use your mind to decide about something, form an opinion, imagine something etc: I’ve been thinking about what you said – maybe you’re right. | I need some time to think.
consider to think about something carefully before deciding what to do: Have you considered working for a year before going to college?
weigh (also weigh up British English) to carefully think about a plan or choice by comparing all the advantages and disadvantages involved: You need to weigh up the pros and cons (=the advantages and disadvantages), and decide which investment is the best one for you. | The committee are still weighing the alternatives.
give something some/a lot of thought to think carefully about something, before you make a final decision about it: Why don’t you give it some thought and then get back to me? | He had obviously given the matter a lot of thought.
mull something over to think about a problem, plan etc before making a decision: Can you give me a bit of time to mull it over?
ponder to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about something, especially a problem or something complicated: She is still pondering what to do. | Officials are pondering ways to remove the oil from the beaches.
contemplate to think about something you might do in the future: Did you ever contemplate resigning?
reflect formal to think carefully about something, especially something that happened in the past: It was a good time to reflect upon the changes that had happened in my life.

ngoại động từ
đo xem cái gì nặng bao nhiêu; cân
he weighed the stone in his hand
nó nhấc nhấc hòn đá trong bàn tay xem nặng bao nhiêu
he weighed himself on the bathroom scales
nó tự cân trên bàn cân trong buồng tắm
the load must be weighed before it is put in the washing-machine
mớ quần áo này phải cân trước khi bỏ vào máy giặt
(to weigh something with / against something) (to weigh something (up)) cân nhắc; xem xét cẩn thận
to weigh one plan against another
cân nhắc kế hoạch này với kế hoạch khác
to weigh the pros and cons
cân nhắc lợi hại
to weigh anchor
nhổ neo (tàu)
to weigh (up) the consequences of an action
cân nhắc hậu quả của một hành động
to weigh up one's chances of success
cân nhắc kỹ cơ may thành công
nội động từ
cân nặng, nặng
she weighs 60 kilos
bà ta nặng 60 kilô
how much do you weigh?
anh cân nặng bao nhiêu?
(to weigh with somebody; to weigh against somebody / something) có tác dụng; có ảnh hưởng
an accusation without evidence does not weigh much
lời buộc tội không có chứng cớ thì không có tác dụng bao nhiêu
his criminal record weighed heavily against him (with the jury)
hồ sơ phạm tội của nó (bị hội đồng xét xử coi là) có ảnh hưởng nặng nề chống lại nó
her past achievements weighed in her favour as a candidate
những thành tích của bà ta trong quá khứ rất có lợi cho việc bà ta ra ứng cử

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