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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.measure1 S2 W2 /ˈmeʒə $ -ər/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: adjective: ↑measurable ≠ ↑immeasurable, ↑measured, ↑measureless; noun: ↑measure, ↑measurement; verb: ↑measure; adverb: ↑measurably ≠ ↑immeasurably]
1. [transitive] to find the size, length, or amount of something, using standard units such as ↑inches, metres etc:
The rainfall was measured over a three-month period.
measure somebody for something (=measure someone in order to make clothes for them)
She was being measured for her wedding dress.
measure something in something
We can measure the energy that food provides in calories.
measuring jug/cup/tape (=one used for measuring)
2. [transitive] to judge the importance, value, or true nature of something SYN assess:
Doctors say it is too early to measure the effectiveness of the drug.
measure something by something
Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results.
3. [linking verb] to be a particular size, length, or amount:
The room measures 6 x 6 metres.
The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.
4. [transitive] if a piece of equipment measures something, it shows or records a particular kind of measurement:
An odometer measures the number of miles your car travels.
measure somebody/something against somebody/something phrasal verb

to judge someone or something by comparing them with another person or thing:
Bridget did not think she had to measure herself against some ideal standard.
Measured against our budget last year, $2.7 million seems small.
measure something ↔ off phrasal verb

to measure a particular length or distance, and make a mark so that you can see the beginning and end:
He measured off three yards of rope.
measure something ↔ out phrasal verb

to take a specific amount of liquid, powder etc from a larger amount:
Measure out 100 grams of flour.
measure up phrasal verb
1. to be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a particular standard:
We’ll give you a week’s trial in the job to see how you measure up.
measure up to
How will the Secretary General measure up to his new responsibilities?
2. to measure something before you do something, for example before you put in new furniture, cupboards etc:
I’d better measure up before I start laying the carpet.
measure something ↔ up
Measure up any items that you want to keep in the kitchen.
II.measure2 W2 BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: adjective
: ↑measurable ≠ ↑immeasurable, ↑measured, ↑measureless; noun
: ↑measure, ↑measurement; verb: ↑measure; adverb: ↑measurably ≠ ↑immeasurably]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: mesure, from Latin mensura, from metiri 'to measure']
1. ACTION an action, especially an official one, that is intended to deal with a particular problem SYN step:
Measures are being taken to reduce crime in the city.
drastic/tough/extreme etc measures
drastic measures to reduce traffic problems
New safety measures were being demanded after last night’s horrific train crash.
The new bridge was erected as a temporary measure to replace the one which was destroyed by floods.
precautionary/preventative measure (=something done to stop something bad from happening)
He was kept in hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.
2. half measures things done to deal with a difficult situation that are not effective or firm enough:
This was no time for half measures and compromises.
3. SIGN/PROOF be a measure of something formal be a sign of the importance, strength etc of something, or a way of testing or judging something:
The flowers and tears at the funeral were a measure of the people’s love for her.
Exam results are not necessarily a true measure of a student’s abilities.
4. AMOUNT a measure of something an amount of something good or something that you want, for example success or freedom:
The new law gives local governments a significant measure of control over their own finances.
I met a number of sportsmen who had achieved a measure of success (=some success).
a) an amount or unit in a measuring system:
a table of weights and measures
b) a standard amount of an alcoholic drink
6. in large measure/in some measure a lot or quite a lot – used when talking about the reason or cause of something:
The improvements are due in large measure to his leadership.
7. in equal measure used when the amount of one thing is the same as the amount of another thing:
I was angry and embarrassed in equal measure.
8. for good measure in addition to what you have already done, given, or included:
Why don’t you try phoning them one more time, for good measure?
9. beyond measure very much or very great – used when you want to emphasize what you are saying:
Her work has improved beyond measure.
10. the full measure of something formal the whole of something:
Ralph received the full measure of his mother’s devotion.
11. in full measure formal if someone gives something back in full measure, they give back as much as they received:
They returned our hospitality in full measure.
12. have/get the measure of something to become familiar with something, so that you can control or deal with it
13. have/get the measure of somebody British English to know what someone’s strengths and weaknesses are, so that you are able to deal with them or defeat them:
She soon got the measure of her opponent.
14. THING USED FOR MEASURING something used for measuring, for example a piece of wood or a container ⇨ ↑tape measure
15. MUSIC a group of notes and ↑rests, separated from other groups by vertical lines, into which a piece of music is divided SYN bar British English
⇨ ↑made-to-measure, ⇨ give somebody short measure at ↑short1(23)
• • •
take measures (=do something in order to deal with a problem) We are taking measures to improve the situation.
adopt/introduce a measure (=start using a particular way of dealing with a problem) The countries agreed to adopt measures to reduce pollution.
a measure is aimed at doing something The measures were aimed at reducing the speed of cars on the roads.
a safety measure New safety measures were implemented after the rail crash.
a security measure (=something done to keep a place safe from danger or crime) Video surveillance cameras have been installed as a security measure.
a preventative/precautionary measure (=something done to prevent something bad) Vaccination against disease is a sensible preventative measure.
a extreme measure The public would not be in favour of such an extreme measure.
a drastic measure (=an extreme measure) Drastic measures are needed if we are to combat global warming.
a temporary measure (=something done for a limited period of time to deal with a problem) The tents were used as a temporary measure to replace homes destroyed in the floods.
a necessary measure The army will take all necessary measures to protect the public.
an appropriate measure (=a measure that is suitable for a particular situation) In the event of an assault, staff will need to take appropriate measures to defend themselves.
a package/series of measures (=a set of measures used to deal with something) A package of road safety measures has been announced.
• • •
action noun [countable] something that someone does: He is responsible for his own actions. | They refused to give a reason for their actions.
act noun
[countable] a particular type of action: violent acts | act of violence/kindness/defiance etc: I believe the killing was an act of desperation.
activities noun
[plural] things that people do, especially for enjoyment or to achieve an aim: leisure activities | political activities | Surveys may not give a true picture of people’s activities.
behaviour British English, behavior
American English noun [uncountable] the things that someone does and the way they behave: Do you think that advertisements really influence people’s behaviour? | The man’s behaviour seemed rather odd.
move noun
[countable] something that you do in order to achieve something: Her decision to sell the shares had been a smart move. | It’s a bold move to start a business in the current economic climate. | He needed time to figure out his next move.
step noun
[countable] one of a series of things that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed: The first step is to make sure we have got funding for the project. | We must take steps to make sure that this does not happen again. | This is an important step towards peace.
measure noun
[countable] an official action that is intended to deal with a particular problem: There are increased security measures at airports. | The school was closed as a precautionary measure following a chemical leak.
gesture noun
[countable] something that you do to show how you feel about someone or something: Do you think it would be a nice gesture to send her some flowers? | gesture of goodwill/solidarity/defiance: The company gave us £100 as a gesture of goodwill.
deed noun
[countable] especially literary an action, especially one that is very good or very bad: evil deeds | heroic deeds | This is my good deed for the day.
exploits noun
[plural] formal exciting or brave actions: daring exploits | His exploits were legendary.
feat noun
[countable] something someone does that people admire because you need a lot of skill, courage, or strength to do it: Completing a marathon is a remarkable feat for a six-year-old. | The bridge is a great feat of engineering.

danh từ
sự đo lường; đơn vị đo lường; hệ đo lường; dụng cụ đo lường
to get/ take somebody's measure
đo người cho ai (để may quần áo); (nghĩa bóng) đánh giá tính tình/khả năng của ai
a metre is a measure of length
mét là một đơn vị đo chiều dài
to give full measure; to give short measure
cân đủ; cân thiếu
to make something to measure
may theo số đo riêng của khách hàng (chứ không phải may sẵn)
(nghĩa bóng) hạn độ, phạm vi, giới hạn, chừng mực
without measure
không có giới hạn nào; không có chừng mực nào
in some measure
trong phạm vi nào đó; trong một chừng mực nào đó
in a great (large) measure
trong một phạm vi rộng lớn
beyond measure
rất lớn; rất mãnh liệt
thước đo; tiêu chuẩn để đánh giá
a chain's weakest link is the measure of its strength
mắt xích yếu nhất là cái để đánh giá sức chịu đựng của cái xích
phương sách, biện pháp, cách xử trí
to take strict measures against contraband
áp dụng biện pháp triệt để chống nạn buôn lậu
(toán học) ước số
greatest common measure
ước số chung lớn nhất
(âm nhạc); (thơ ca) nhịp, nhịp điệu
(địa lý,địa chất) lớp; tầng
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) điệu nhảy
measure for measure
ăn miếng trả miếng
động từ
đo, đo lường
to measure a piece of cloth
đo một mảnh vải
to measure someone for new clothes
đo kích thước của người nào để may quần áo mới
đo được
the floor measures six metres by four metres
sàn nhà đo được 6 m chiều dài và 4 m chiều rộng
so với, đọ với; (nghĩa bóng) đọ sức với
to measure one's strength with someone
đọ sức với ai
liệu chừng; dự liệu
((thường) + off, out) phân phối, phân ra, chia ra
to measure out a quantity of medicine
phân phối một số lượng thuốc
(thơ ca) vượt, đi qua
to measure a distance
vượt được một quãng đường
to measure one's length
ngã sóng soài
to measure someone with one's eye
nhìn ai từ đầu đến chân

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