1. general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: buggy • Hypernyms: insect 2. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine • Syn: glitch • Hypernyms: defect, fault, flaw 3. a small hidden microphone; for listening secretly • Hypernyms: microphone, mike 4. insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis • Syn: hemipterous insect, hemipteran, hemipteron • Hypernyms: insect • Hyponyms: leaf bug, plant bug, lygaeid, lygaeid bug, coreid bug, coreid, bedbug, bed bug, chinch, Cimex lectularius, backswimmer, Notonecta undulata, true bug • Member Holonyms: Hemiptera, order Hemiptera 5. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use • Syn: microbe, germ • Derivationally related forms: germy (for: germ), microbial (for: microbe) • Hypernyms: microorganism, micro-organism
1. annoy persistently (Freq. 1) - The children teased the boy because of his stammer • Syn: tease, badger, pester, beleaguer • Derivationally related forms: pesterer (for: pester), badgerer (for: badger), tease (for: tease), teaser (for: tease) • Hypernyms: torment, rag, bedevil, crucify, dun, frustrate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - They bug him to write the letter 2. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information - The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy - Is this hotel room bugged? • Syn: wiretap, tap, intercept • Derivationally related forms: tap (for: tap), tapper (for: tap), wiretap (for: wiretap), wiretapper (for: wiretap) • Hypernyms: listen in, eavesdrop • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - They want to bug the prisoners