making things MAKE drawing pictures DRAW - the way in which sth is planned and made: design (noun U) I'm not very impressed by the design of their new house. ◎ a design fault in the car engine ◎ interior design (= the design of the insides of houses) - the shape or arrangement in which it is planned to make sth: design to produce a new design for a car, dress, kitchen - to plan, draw and develop sth for a particular purpose: design sth She's been given the job of designing all the furniture for the new civic centre. - the art and skill of producing designs: design (noun U) a student of garden design - a drawing which shows the design of sth: design The architect showed me the designs for our new offices. - a quick, simple drawing of sth without much detail: sketch; to make a drawing of this type: sketch sth Can you do me a quick sketch of the kind of design you have in mind? - a three-dimensional design of sth: model If you go to the Town Hall, you can see a model of the new shopping centre. - the characteristics (materials, dimensions, etc) that the object being designed should have: specifications (noun plural) They've changed the specifications and the cost will probably go up now. - if sth is designed for a specific purpose or person, it is tailor-made (for sb/sth) holidays tailor-made for single people ※ style and decoration - the fashion, shape or design of sth: style the latest styles in boots ◎ buildings designed in a classical style - a combination of colours in a design: colour scheme - the way in which paint, wallpaper, etc are used to make a room look attractive: decoration (noun U) - the furnishing and decoration of a room: decor a room with stylish and modern decor - (used about a design) attractive to look at: decorative - a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc: pattern, design - having a pattern: patterned - without decoration: simple (adverb simply), plain (adverb plainly); nouns (U): simplicity, plainness The basic design is very simple. ◎ You need a plain blouse with that patterned skirt. ◎ I like the simplicity of the decoration in this room. - not simple: complicated, elaborate - very complicated: intricate (adverb intricately); noun (U): intricacy an intricate pattern ◎ intricately carved chairs ※ people who design things - a person who designs things: designer - a person who makes drawings, plans or sketches, especially of buildings or machines: draughtsman (plural draughtsmen)(AmE draftsman, plural draftsmen) - a person who designs buildings: architect - a person who designs clothes: fashion designer - a person who designs and arranges furniture, objects, etc inside houses, offices, etc: interior designer ※ more on buildings and clothes BUILDING, CLOTHES