1 different kinds of dog 2 parts of a dog 3 things that dogs do 4 looking after a dog see also ANIMAL
1 different kinds of dog - an animal, often kept as a pet or for working on a farm or hunting: dog - a female dog: bitch; a male dog: dog Is it a dog or a bitch? - a young dog: puppy, pup - a dog that is kept for company or pleasure: pet dog - a dog that is kept to work, for example on a farm: working dog - a dog that is trained to help control sheep: sheepdog - a dog that guards a house or a building: guard dog - a dog that is trained to help a blind person: guide dog - a dog that is trained to help the police: police dog - a particular type of dog: breed What breed is that dog? - a dog whose parents are not the same breed: mongrel - if a dog is of pure breed, it is a pedigree dog pure-bred pedigree pups
2 parts of a dog - a dog's foot: paw - the mouth and nose of a dog: muzzle - the hair on a dog: coat a thick healthy coat
3 things that dogs do - the loud sound that a dog makes when it is excited: bark; verb: bark The dog was barking at the postman. - a word to describe the sound of a dog's bark: woof - a low sound that a dog makes to give a warning: growl; verb: growl - a sound an angry dog makes while showing its teeth: snarl; verb: snarl The dog snarled at the stranger. - the sound that a small dog makes when it is barking or excited: yap; verb: yap - a crying sound that a dog makes, especially when it wants sth: whine; verb: whine - a sound that a dog makes when it is frightened or in pain: howl; verb: howl All over the town, dogs started howling. - when a dog moves its tail from side to side (because it is happy or excited), it wags its tail, its tail wags - when a dog attacks sb/sth with its teeth, it bites* sb/sth - when a dog tries to bite sb/sth, it snaps at sb/sth The puppy snapped at the child's hand. - when a dog chews and bites a bone for a long time, it gnaws (at) a bone
4 looking after a dog - to give food to an animal: feed* sth; food that you buy to give to a dog: dog food (noun U) - to rub or touch a dog with your hand to show you are pleased with it: pat a dog - to move your hand gently over sth: stroke a dog She bent down to stroke the dog. - a dog that behaves well in the house and does not make it dirty is house-trained - to go for a walk with a dog: walk a dog, take* a dog for a walk - a band of leather, plastic, etc that is put around a dog's neck: collar - a long piece of leather, plastic, etc attached to a dog's collar, to keep the dog under control: lead (AmE leash) Please keep your dog on a lead. ◎ to let a dog off the lead - a small house for a dog: kennel - a dog that has left its home and is lost: stray dog - to keep animals in order to produce young from them: breed* sth She breeds poodles. ※ MORE ... - connected with dogs or like a dog: canine canine diseases - a disease that dogs get and pass to humans by biting them: rabies (noun U)