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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 understanding
2 not understanding
3 explaining
see also

1 understanding
- to know what sth means or the reason for sth: understand* (sth), see* (sth)
Did you understand that lecture? I think I understand now - you want me to leave. Do you see what I mean?
- to hear or understand sth: get* it, get* sth
Ah yes, I get it. You want me to lend you some money. Did you get the joke?
- when you begin to understand sth completely, it sinks* in
The news finally sank in and she started crying.
- to know and understand that sth is true or that sth has happened: realize (that) ※€¦
Of course I do realize that the situation has changed. I suddenly realized that I'd forgotten my keys.
- to understand or find sth out from sb/sth: gather (that) ※€¦
I gather that you're not very happy with my work.
- to understand an explanation or a story: follow (sth)
I'm sorry. I don't follow.
- to understand a difficult idea: grasp sth
I've never really grasped how computers work.
- to understand information that is not very clear: make* sth out
Could you make out what he was trying to say in his letter?
- to understand what you see, hear or read: take* sth in
We found it hard to take in everything the teacher said.
- to understand how sth works: get* the hang of sth
You'll soon get the hang of this computer program.
- to understand a difficult situation or a problem: (formal) appreciate sth; noun (U/singular): appreciation
I don't think you really appreciate the difficulty of the situation.
- the way you think that sth is meant: understanding (noun U)
My understanding of his letter is that he wants to leave immediately.
- the ability to understand sth: comprehension (noun U)
How he managed to get the job is beyond my comprehension.
※—† possible or easy to understand
- if sth can be understood, it is (formal) intelligible (to sb), (formal) comprehensible (to sb); noun (U): intelligibility
easily intelligible, even to small children His new book is only comprehensible to experts in his field.
- if sth can be understood easily, it is clear (adverb clearly), plain (adverb plainly); the quality of being easy to understand: clarity (noun U)
a clear explanation plain English Speak plainly! clarity of expression
- if it is possible to understand the reason for sth, it is understandable, it makes* (good) sense
It is understandable that she should wish to be alone for a while. understandable objections What does this mean? It just doesn't seem to make sense.

2 not understanding
- not to know what sth means or the reason for sth: not understand, fail to understand
I didn't understand a word she said. I fail to understand why she didn't come.
- to understand sb/sth wrongly: misunderstand* sb/sth
He misunderstood the girl's smile. Don't misunderstand me - I wish I could help you.
- an act of misunderstanding: misunderstanding (noun C/U)
I'm afraid there's been some misunderstanding. a slight misunderstanding
- to misunderstand completely what has been said: (informal) get* (hold of) the wrong end of the stick
He got hold of the wrong end of the stick and thought he'd been insulted.
- if you completely fail to understand what sth means or what is happening, you are confused, puzzled, baffled
She looked confused by all the shouting. I'm baffled by his attitude.
※—† not possible or easy to understand
- if sth cannot be understood, it is unintelligible, incomprehensible
an unintelligible reply Her sudden departure was incomprehensible to all her friends.
- if sth is difficult to understand, it makes* no/little sense (to you)
The excuse he gave made little sense.
- if sth is not very clear and you cannot understand it, you cannot make it out
I can't make out what he's trying to signal to us.
- if sth is too difficult to understand, it is beyond you, above/over your head
'What do you think it means?' 'It's beyond me.' Anything to do with computer programming is way above my head.
- if sth is very difficult for you to understand, it is confusing, puzzling
a confusing situation a puzzling decision
- a situation which is difficult to understand or deal with: problem
to try to solve a problem
- a thing that you cannot understand or explain: mystery
It's a mystery to me why she ever bothered to come.
※ more on problems PROBLEM

3 explaining
- to give the meaning of sth or the reason for sth, so that sb can understand it: explain (sth), explain sth to sb, explain (to sb) that ※€¦; noun (C/U): explanation
I don't understand the question - can you explain? She couldn't explain why the money was missing. She explained her plan to the rest of the team. That's not a very satisfactory explanation. This requires more detailed explanation.
- to succeed in making people understand sth: get* sth across/over (to sb)
He's not very good at getting his ideas across. She managed to get her meaning over to the audience.
- to explain or understand the meaning of sth: make* sense of sth, interpret sth (as sth); noun (C/U): interpretation
I've read your letter twice and am still trying to make sense of it. How do you interpret her comments? a new interpretation of Darwin's theory
- to make sth clear and easy to understand: (formal) clarify sth; noun (U): clarification
I hope that helps to clarify the situation. We'll have to ask for further clarification.
- to look at some facts carefully in order to understand or explain them: analyse sth; noun (C/U): analysis
I now have to analyse the results of the questionnaire. an analysis of the causes of the riots Further analysis will be needed before we can understand this properly.
- something which gives an explanation is explanatory
explanatory notes at the back of a book
- something which does not need to be explained because it is clear is self-explanatory
The instructions should be self-explanatory.
- something which can be explained is explicable; opposite: inexplicable
inexplicable behaviour
- an idea that explains sth: theory
theories that explain how children learn to talk My theory is that he fell while trying to save his companion.
※—† MORE ...
- if you understand what sb really means, even though it is not said openly, you read* between the lines
Reading between the lines, she could see that something was wrong.
- to understand two completely different opinions: see* both sides of sth
I'm trying hard to see both sides of the argument.

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