Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 seeing 2 not able to see well 3 things that help you to see better 4 things that can be seen 5 things that cannot be seen the other senses FEEL, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE see also EYE, LOOK FOR, FIND
1 seeing - to become aware of sb/sth, using your eyes: see* (sb/sth) I can't see much without my glasses. ◎ I've been looking for my keys but I can't see them anywhere. ◎ I can't see what I'm doing in this light. ◎ We were able to see clearly by the light of the moon. - an act or occasion of seeing sb/sth: sight (noun U) It was love at first sight. ◎ He was looking forward to his first sight of home. ◎ She always faints at the sight of blood. - the ability to see: sight (noun U), eyesight (noun U) I would rather lose my sense of sight than my sense of hearing. ◎ to have poor/good eyesight - connected with seeing: visual (adverb visually) the visual arts ◎ to be visually handicapped (= partly or completely unable to see) - to turn your eyes in a particular direction in order to see sb/sth: look (at sb/sth), take*/have a look (at sb/sth) to look out of the window ◎ Look at page four, please. ◎ Have a look and see if the post has come. - to look at a person doing sth or at sth happening: watch (sb/sth) I watched the children playing in the garden. ※ more on looking at things LOOK - to see sb/sth and be aware of them/it: notice (sb/sth) I didn't notice you sitting there. ◎ 'Was she blonde or dark?' 'I'm afraid I didn't notice her hair.' ◎ Did you notice where I put my bag? ◎ He noticed that she never smiled. - to notice one person or thing among many others; to notice sb/sth when it is not easy to do so: spot sb/sth I couldn't spot you in the crowd - were you there? ◎ Did you spot any mistakes? - to see sb/sth for a moment: glimpse sb/sth, catch* a glimpse (of sb/sth), catch* sight of sb/sth I thought I glimpsed my friend in a passing taxi. ◎ We caught a glimpse of the Queen when she arrived at the theatre. ◎ I was just going to leave when I caught sight of you in the corner. - to be able to see sb/sth, but only with difficulty: make* sb/sth out It was difficult to make the road out in the darkness. - quick at noticing things: observant; opposite: unobservant She's very observant - she doesn't miss a thing. - to know again a person or thing that you have seen before: recognize sb/sth I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize you. - to see sth happen and be able to tell other people about it later: witness sth; a person who does this: (eye)witness to witness a crime ◎ There were three witnesses to the accident. ◎ The police need an eyewitness.
2 not able to see well - unable to see: blind, visually-impaired; noun (U): blindness a blind person ◎ to go (= become) blind ◎ to be completely/partially blind ◎ She's blind in one eye. - blind people: the blind (noun plural) a school for the blind - unable to identify certain colours: colour-blind; noun (U): colour-blindness - if you cannot easily see things that are very close to you, you are long-sighted (AmE far-sighted) - if you cannot easily see things that are far away from you, you are short-sighted (AmE near-sighted) - to make a person unable to see, for a short time or permanently: blind sb The car headlights blinded me and I nearly crashed. ◎ He was blinded in the war.
3 things that help you to see better ※ more on glasses GLASSES - to see sth without the help of a microscope or telescope, etc: see sth with the naked eye A single cell cannot be seen with the naked eye.
4 things that can be seen - something that can be seen is visible There were no visible signs that a burglar had broken into the house. ◎ The house was clearly visible from the road. - the amount or distance that you can see in particular light or weather conditions: visibility (noun U) good/poor visibility ◎ Visibility was so bad that we had to stop until the fog cleared. - if sth can be seen, it shows Does the hole in my sock show? ◎ You can read the letter because the writing shows through the envelope. - if sth can be seen easily because of a contrast in colour, it shows up White shows up well on a black background. - to make it possible for other people to see sth: show sth to sb, show sb sth She showed her work to me. ◎ She showed me her work. ◎ Please show me how to do that! ◎ I showed him what I had done. ※ more on showing things to people SHOW - something that is easy to see is clear (adverb clearly), obvious (adverb obviously), plain (adverb plainly) The deer left a clear line of footprints in the snow. ◎ It was obvious that they had been arguing when I arrived. ◎ She plainly wanted us to leave. - something that can be noticed is noticeable (adverb noticeably) The scar on his face was hardly noticeable any more. ◎ She was noticeably anxious about the child's safety. - something which is very obvious and easily noticed is prominent, conspicuous, it stands* out The article was in a prominent position on the front page. ◎ I felt very conspicuous because I was the only person who wasn't wearing black. ◎ He's so tall that he always stands out in a crowd. - something that can be seen through is transparent, (used mainly about clothes) see-through The material was so old, it had become almost transparent. ◎ She was wearing a see-through blouse. - something that is near enough to be seen or sb who is near enough to see sth is (with)in sight (of sb/sth) There wasn't a tree in sight. ◎ We were soon within sight of the city lights. - your ability to see a particular thing: view to come into view ◎ to disappear from view ◎ to be hidden from view ◎ They kissed in full view of all the dinner guests! ◎ Excuse me - could you please move? You're blocking my view of the stage. - to come into sight or arrive: appear; noun (singular): appearance We waited an hour before they finally appeared. ◎ I suppose we ought to put in an appearance at the party. - something that is in a place where people can see it is on show, on view The English crown jewels are on show in the Tower of London. - what you can see around you in a particular place: scene a peaceful scene ◎ I need a change of scene! - what you can see from a particular place: view Look at the lovely view! ◎ There are some wonderful views from the top of the hill. ◎ a room with a view - to have a view over sth: overlook sth, look out on sth My bedroom overlooks a golf course.
5 things that cannot be seen - unable to be seen: invisible bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye - not bright or clear: dim (adverb dimly); noun (U): dimness I could only see a dim shape in the darkness. ◎ The room was very dimly lit. - something that is too far away to be seen, or sb who is too far away to see sth, is out of sight (of sb/sth) We watched the plane until it was completely out of sight. - if you can just see sth, but not very clearly, it is faint, you can see it faintly I thought I could see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. - to become impossible to see or find: disappear, vanish One minute the coin was in the magician's hand and the next, it had disappeared. - the act of disappearing or the state of having disappeared: disappearance (noun C/U) They have never solved the mystery of his wife's disappearance. - to disappear slowly from sight: fade (away) The sun faded away behind the clouds. - to no longer be able to see sb/sth: lose* sight (of sb/sth) We lost sight of them as they went round the corner. - without being seen or noticed: unseen, unnoticed She left the room unseen. ◎ He had been standing unnoticed by the door for some time. - not easily noticed: inconspicuous (adverb inconspicuously) to make yourself inconspicuous - if sth is in a place where it cannot be seen, it is hidden From where we stood, the house was hidden from view. - to put or keep yourself in a place where you cannot be seen: hide* Where can I hide? ◎ The child was found hiding up a tree. ◎ We're hiding from the teacher. - to put sb/sth in a place where nobody else can find or see them/it: hide* sb/sth He had hidden the gun under the floorboards. ※ more on hiding sb/sth HIDE
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