Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 sound and noise 2 quality of sound 3 kinds of sound sounds made by animals ANIMAL sound technology RECORD see also HEAR, MUSIC, VOICE, SPEAK
1 sound and noise - anything that a person or animal can hear: sound (noun C/U) Can you hear that sound? ◎ the sound of running water ◎ Scientists have identified twenty different sounds that dolphins make. ◎ light and sound - a sound, especially if it is loud, unpleasant or unwanted: noise (noun C/U) I thought I could hear a noise downstairs. ◎ Could you ask them to try and make less noise? - to make a particular sound: go* Cats go 'miaow'. ◎ The gun went 'bang'. - to make a sound as a signal: go* Has the bell gone yet?
2 quality of sound - a sound that can be heard is audible; opposite: inaudible the clearly audible sound of a door shutting ◎ Her reply was inaudible. - if a sound is easy to hear, it is clear, you can hear it clearly, loud and clear She has a very clear voice. ◎ We can hear you loud and clear. - (used particularly about radio, television, etc) the strength of sound: volume (noun U) to turn down/up the volume of the radio - the level of a sound: pitch - low in pitch (like a man's voice): low, deep the deep voice of a bass singer - high in pitch (like a woman's or a child's voice): high, high-pitched I can't sing the high notes. ◎ a high-pitched voice - high and unpleasant: piercing, shrill piercing screams ◎ a shrill cry - with very little or no sound: quiet (adverb quietly) Please be quiet, I'm trying to study. - having no sound: silent (adverb silently); noun (U/C): silence silent films ◎ He silently handed her the package. ◎ the silence of the countryside - producing a lot of sound: loud (adverbs loud, loudly) loud music ◎ Can you speak a bit louder? ◎ She coughed loudly. - making a lot of noise: noisy (adverb noisily) noisy children ◎ a noisy washing machine ◎ He blew his nose noisily. ※ more on being quiet or loud QUIET
3 kinds of sound ※ loud sounds - a loud unpleasant noise that continues for some time: din (noun singular), (informal) racket (noun singular) Stop making such a din! ◎ I can't hear because of all the racket you're making. - a lot of noise and excitement: uproar (noun singular/U) The meeting ended in uproar. - a short loud noise: bang The bomb exploded with an enormous bang. ◎ to make a bang - a sudden loud noise that sth makes when it breaks, is hit, etc: crash; verb: crash We heard a crash and ran outside to see what had happened. - the low sound that sth heavy makes when it falls down: thud; verb: thud I threw the bag from the window and a moment later I heard it thudding onto the ground. - a loud sound that sth makes when it is hit heavily: thump; verb: thump The book fell on the floor with a thump. - a long low sound like thunder: rumble; verb: rumble the distant rumble of thunder - a loud deep sound: boom (noun singular); verb: boom We could hear the guns booming in the distance. - the sound of a heavy metal object hitting sth: clank; verb: clank the clank of a chain - a series of short repeated sounds that hard objects make when they hit against each other: clatter (noun singular); verb: clatter the clatter of knives and forks ◎ We heard their boots clattering down the stairs. - a series of short sharp sounds repeated quickly: rattle; verb: rattle The windows were rattling all night. ※ more on the sounds that are made when things are hit HIT - a loud sharp noise that you make when you eat sth or walk on sth like snow: crunch the crunch of snow under our shoes - the noise of wood bending: creak; verb: creak; adjective: creaky The floorboards creaked when I walked across the room. ◎ creaky stairs - the noise of sth like wood breaking: crack The wind split the branch from the tree with a sharp crack. ※ high-pitched sounds - a high noise that is not very loud: squeak; verb: squeak; adjective: squeaky the squeak of a mouse ◎ a squeaky iron gate - a loud high noise: squeal; verb: squeal the squeal of tyres on the road ◎ She squealed with delight. - an unpleasant loud high noise: screech; verb: screech the screech of a car's brakes ◎ jets screeching over the housetops - a long high unpleasant noise: whine; verb: whine the whine of an aircraft engine ◎ The dog whined to go out. ※ quiet or short sounds - a short sharp sound like a small explosion: pop; verb: pop There was a loud pop as the cork came out of the bottle. ◎ The balloon popped. - a short ringing noise, for example of glass or metal knocking together: chink, clink the chink of glasses ◎ the clink of coins - a short sharp sound, for example of a switch or a lock: click; verb: click We heard the click of a switch. ◎ The lock clicked open. - a short high electronic sound: beep, bleep; verbs: beep, bleep The computer gave a bleep. ※ the sound of a bell ringing BELL ※ sounds like water or wind - a sound like a very long 's': hiss; verb: hiss the hiss of escaping steam ◎ The goose hissed at me angrily. - the sound of food being cooked in very hot fat: sizzle (noun singular); verb: sizzle the sizzle of eggs in the pan ◎ sizzling bacon - the sound of sth small dropping into water: plop; verb: plop The stone fell into the pond with a plop. - the sound of liquid flying about in the air because it has been hit by sth: splash; verb: splash He jumped into the pool with a splash. ◎ The children were splashing about in the water. - the sound of walking in deep wet mud: squelch (noun singular); verb: squelch She squelched through the mud in her boots. - the sound of dry leaves moving together: rustle (noun singular); verb: rustle the wind rustling through the leaves - a hissing sound as sth moves through the air: swish (noun singular); verb: swish the swish of a horse's tail ※ human sounds - a loud high sound that you make by blowing air through your lips: whistle; verb: whistle He gave a whistle of surprise. ◎ I was walking along in the sunshine, whistling happily. - a loud high sound that you make with your voice: cry; verb: cry (out) a cry of fear/joy ◎ to cry out with pain - a very loud high cry that you make when you are surprised, afraid or in pain: scream, shriek; verb: scream, shriek to give a scream ◎ When I saw the burglar, I screamed. ◎ They shrieked with delight when the clown came on. - to make sounds which show that you are happy or think sth is funny: laugh (at sb/sth); noun: laugh; the sound of people laughing: laughter (noun U) to laugh at a joke - to produce water from your eyes, and make a noise, because you are unhappy or have hurt yourself: cry, (formal) weep* Why are you crying? - the sound of breathing air through your nose, especially when you have a cold or are crying: sniff; verb: sniff She gave a loud sniff. ◎ After a while she stopped sniffing and gave me a big smile. ※ more on laughing and crying LAUGH, CRY - sounds which show pain PAIN - the sound of breathing noisily through your nose and mouth when you are asleep: snore; verb: snore Your snoring kept me awake. - the sound of food or drink passing from your mouth down your throat: gulp; verb: gulp He swallowed his beer with loud gulps. ※ MORE ... - a sound that is repeated by being sent back from the walls of a building, cave, etc: echo (plural echoes); to make an echo: echo His voice echoed across the valley. - the design of a room or building that helps you to hear speech or music: acoustics (noun plural) The acoustics of the new concert hall are wonderful - you can hear perfectly in every seat.
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