Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different ways of walking 2 difficulty in walking 3 walking for pleasure 4 walking in the street 5 walking with another person see also RUN, STAND, MOVE
1 different ways of walking - to move along on foot at a fairly slow speed: walk - to walk somewhere, rather than go by car, bus, etc: go*/come* on foot They made the long journey over the mountains on foot. - the speed at which you walk or run: pace to walk at a brisk pace (= quite fast) to walk at a leisurely pace (= quite slow) at a walking pace (= slowly, at the speed of sb walking) - an act of lifting one foot and putting it down in a different place: step; verb: step She took a couple of steps and then fell over. ◎ Please step forward when I call your name. - the distance that you move when you take one step: pace Take two paces forward and then stop. - the sound of sb walking, or the step that you take when walking: footstep I could hear footsteps outside the window. - the mark that a person leaves when walking: footprint to leave footprints in the snow - to put your foot accidentally on sb/sth: tread* on sb/sth, step on sb/sth Ow! You just trod on my foot. ◎ Look out! You've just stepped on my toe. - to walk on sb/sth and hurt or damage them: trample (on) sb/sth The boys trampled on the flowers. ◎ The cows trampled the corn. ※ walking with long or regular steps - to walk with long steps: stride; a long step: stride Robert strode up to the desk and demanded to see the manager. - to walk with regular steps (like a soldier): march; a journey made by marching: march The General saluted his men as they marched past. ◎ She marched in and demanded an explanation. ◎ The soldiers were tired after their long march. ※ walking slowly - to walk slowly for pleasure: stroll, wander; noun: stroll In the evening we strolled up to the castle. ◎ We went for a stroll along the river after lunch. - to walk with slow, heavy steps: tramp We had a miserable afternoon tramping across the moors in pouring rain. - to walk slowly by sliding your feet along instead of lifting them from the ground: shuffle The old man shuffled across the room in his slippers. - at a very slow speed: at a snail's pace The queue was moving at a snail's pace - I got fed up and left. ※ walking carefully or quietly - to move very quietly and carefully, often with your body in a low position so that nobody will notice you: creep* He crept down the stairs hoping that nobody would wake. - on your hands and legs: on all fours The children went through the tunnel on all fours. - to move slowly with your body on or close to the ground: crawl Has the baby started to crawl yet? - to walk or move quietly, in a suspicious way: prowl (about/around) Someone was prowling about outside the house, so I called the police. ※ walking in water - to walk with bare feet in shallow water: paddle - to walk with difficulty through deep water, mud, etc: wade The soldiers jumped out of the boat and waded ashore.
2 difficulty in walking - to walk in an unsteady way as if you could fall at any moment: stagger The man staggered out of the pub and called a taxi. - to hit your foot against sth when you are walking and almost fall over: stumble (over sth), trip (over sth, up) He stumbled over a tree root. ◎ Be careful you don't trip over this rug. - to walk in an uneven way because you have hurt your leg or foot: limp; noun: limp He fell and twisted his ankle and limped home in great pain. ◎ Her leg's getting better but she's still got a bit of a limp. ◎ to walk with a limp - a person who cannot walk properly because their legs or back have been injured is disabled This cinema now has better facilities for disabled people. - to walk, move or travel to places (especially after being ill): get* about/around She has difficulty getting about with her bad leg. - an animal that is not able to walk properly because of an injury to the leg is lame The horse went lame. ◎ a lame horse - a long, thin piece of wood that you lean on if you have difficulty walking: (walking) stick - a type of stick that you put under your arm to help you walk when you have hurt your leg or foot: crutch I had plaster on my leg and was walking on crutches. - a chair with large wheels that can be used by people who are unable to walk: wheelchair
3 walking for pleasure - to walk for pleasure, exercise, etc: go* for a walk, have/take* a walk; an occasion of doing this: walk I'm just going for a walk - are you coming? ◎ Does anyone feel like a walk? - to get up and go for a walk after sitting down for a long time: stretch your legs - to go for a long walk in the country: hike, go* hiking, go* on a hike; a person who goes hiking: hiker We spent our holidays hiking in the Lake District. ◎ a ten-mile hike - to go on a walking holiday carrying your clothes, food, etc in a bag on your back: backpack We're planning to go backpacking in New Zealand at Easter. - to go from place to place with no particular purpose: wander/roam/walk around/about (a place) Sarah had a pleasant afternoon wandering around the old market. ◎ Hundreds of football fans were roaming around the city centre following the match. ◎ She walked about the old walled city, peering into the shops. - a path or route that is used for walking for pleasure: walk There's a lovely walk along the river from here that takes you to the village.
4 walking in the street - a person who is walking in the street: pedestrian; of or for pedestrians: pedestrian a pedestrian subway ◎ a pedestrian precinct - a person who is walking past you or sth (by chance): passer-by (plural passers-by) The journalist asked a passer-by if he had seen what had happened. ※ roads and paths ROAD
5 walking with another person - to go with sb to a place: accompany sb, go* (along) with sb Children must be accompanied by an adult. ◎ I went along with him to the post office. - to go with sb/sth to protect them or as an honour: escort sb The film star was escorted by two bodyguards. - with your arm linked together with sb else's: arm in arm The couple walked arm in arm along the promenade. - next to each other or close together: side by side The three men walked side by side along the pavement. - moving/not moving your feet at the same time as other people when you are marching, dancing, etc: in/out of step (with sb) Look at that soldier. He's completely out of step with the others. - to walk more slowly than sb/sth else: lag behind (sb/sth) Damian always lags behind when we are walking in the mountains. - to reach sb who is ahead of you: catch* sb up, catch* up (with sb) I'm just going to post a letter. You go on and I'll catch you up in a minute. ※ MORE ... - a number of people, vehicles, etc that move slowly in a line: procession to walk in procession ◎ a wedding procession - an occasion when a group of people stand or walk in a procession so that people can look at them: parade a fashion parade
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