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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

con·fuse [confuse confuses confused confusing] BrE [kənˈfjuːz] NAmE [kənˈfjuːz] verb
1. ~ sb to make sb unable to think clearly or understand sth
They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.
2. ~ A and/with B to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else
Syn: mix up
People often confuse me and my twin sister.
Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.
3. ~ sth to make a subject more difficult to understand
His comments only served to confuse the issue further.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English (in the sense ‘rout, bring to ruin’): from Old French confus, from Latin confusus, past participle of confundere ‘mingle together’. Originally all senses of the verb were passive, and therefore appeared only as the past participle confused; the active voice occurred rarely until the 19th cent. when it began to replace confound.

confuse verb
1. T
Doctors love to confuse us with obscure Latin terms.
puzzle • • baffle • • bewilder • • mystify • • perplex • • defeat • |informal stump • • beat
It puzzles/baffles/beats me how/why …
It puzzles/baffles me that …
What puzzles/baffles/mystifies/beats me is …
2. T
People often confuse me and my twin sister.
mistake sb/sth for sb/sth • • take • |especially spoken mix sb/sth up
Opp: distinguish
confuse sb/sth/mix sb/sth up with sb/sth
mistake/take sb/sth for sb/sth
be easily confused with/mistaken for sb/sth
3. T
Just to confuse matters, all the street names have changed.
complicate • • cloud • • blur
Opp: clarify
confuse/complicate/cloud the issue
confuse/complicate matters/things/the situation
Confuse or complicate? Something complicates a situation by being an additional problem. With confuse the emphasis is on the fact that it is difficult to recognize or understand what needs to be done.

Example Bank:
I sometimes confuse Jane with her sister.
I will try to be brief and avoid further confusing the issue.
Seeing the two of them together totally confused me.
The condition can sometimes be confused for influenza.
They have deliberately confused the general public with their claims.
You can easily confuse the two paintings.
An apology for something should not be confused with genuine remorse.
Doctors love to confuse us with obscure Latin names and terms.
His latest comments only serve to confuse the issue further.
Just to confuse matters, they have decided to give all the streets new names.
The Tasmanian wolf is not to be confused with the dingo.
There are too many different rules confusing the situation.
These instructions confused everyone.

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