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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

re·solve AW [resolve resolves resolved resolving] verb, noun BrE [rɪˈzɒlv] NAmE [rɪˈzɑːlv] NAmE [rɪˈzɔːlv]
verb (formal)
1. transitive ~ sth/itself to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty
Syn: settle
to resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict/a crisis
Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools.
Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.
Be patient and the situation may resolve itself.
2. transitive, intransitive to make a firm decision to do sth
~ to do sth He resolved not to tell her the truth.
~ (that)… She resolved (that) she would never see him again.
~ on sth/on doing sth We had resolved on making an early start.
3. transitive (of a committee, meeting, etc.)to reach a decision by means of a formal vote
it is resolved that… It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.
~ that… They resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.
~ to do sth The Supreme Council resolved to resume control over the national press.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English (in the senses ‘dissolve, disintegrate’ and ‘solve (a problem)’): from Latin resolvere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + solvere ‘loosen’.

resolve verb T
Where can people get help with resolving family problems?
settle • • solve • • repair • • mend • |informal patch sth up • |especially BrE, especially spoken sort sth out • • sort
resolve/settle/mend/patch up your differences
resolve/settle/solve/sort out a/an dispute/argument/crisis/matter/issue
resolve/mend matters

Example Bank:
The crisis was finally resolved through high-level negotiations.
The family feuding could resolve itself.
The matter is not yet fully resolved.
The two countries have failed to resolve their differences on this.
They met in a last-ditch attempt to resolve their differences.
We hope that the dispute can be resolved peacefully.
Both sides met in order to resolve their differences.
Fortunately, the issue has now been amicably resolved.
He resolved to do something to help the children he had met.
She resolved that she would never see him again.
The Supreme Council resolved to resume control over the press.
The UN was supposed to be a forum for resolving disputes by peaceful means.
The committee unanimously resolved that the party chairman should step down.
The matter has never really been satisfactorily resolved.
The prime minister flew home immediately to try to resolve the crisis.
Where can ordinary people get help with resolving family problems?
Derived:resolve into something resolve something into something
noun uncountable (formal)
strong determination to achieve sth
Syn: resolution
The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.
It was a test of his stamina and resolve.
She did not weaken in her resolve.
~ to do sth The government reiterated its resolve to uncover the truth.

Word Origin:
late Middle English (in the senses ‘dissolve, disintegrate’ and ‘solve (a problem)’): from Latin resolvere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + solvere ‘loosen’.

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