Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
throw [throw throws threw throwing thrown] verb, noun BrE [θrəʊ] NAmE [θroʊ] verb (threwBrE [θruː] ; NAmE [θruː] , thrownBrE [θrəʊn] ; NAmE [θroʊn] ) WITH HAND 1. transitive, intransitive to send sth from your hand through the air by moving your hand or arm quickly •~ (sth) Stop throwing stones at the window! • She threw the ball up and caught it again. •They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest. •~ sth to sb Don't throw it to him, give it to him! •~ sb sth Can you throw me that towel? PUT CARELESSLY 2. transitive ~ sth + adv./prep. to put sth in a particular place quickly and carelessly • Just throw your bag down over there. MOVE WITH FORCE 3. transitive to move sth suddenly and with force •~ sth + adv./prep. The boat was thrown onto the rocks. • The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach. •~ sth + adj. I threw open the windows to let the smoke out. PART OF BODY 4. transitive ~ sth/yourself + adv./prep. to move your body or part of it quickly or suddenly • He threw back his head and roared with laughter. • I ran up and threw my arms around him. •Jenny threw herself onto the bed. MAKE SB FALL 5. transitive ~ sb to make sb fall quickly or violently to the ground •Two riders were thrown (= off their horses) in the second race. INTO PARTICULAR STATE 6. transitive, usually passive ~ sb/sth + adv./prep. to make sb/sth be in a particular state •Hundreds were thrown out of work. •We were thrown into confusion by the news. •The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus. DIRECT STH AT SB/STH 7. transitive ~ sth on/at sb/sth to direct sth at sb/sth •to throw doubt on the verdict •to throw the blame on someone •to throw accusations at someone •He threw the question back at me (= expected me to answer it myself). UPSET 8. transitive ~ sb (informal)to make sb feel upset, confused, or surprised •The news of her death really threw me. DICE 9. transitive ~ sth to roll a ↑dice or let it fall after shaking it; to obtain a particular number in this way •Throw the dice! •He threw three sixes in a row. CLAY POT 10. transitive ~ sth (technical)to make a ↑clay pot, dish, etc. on a ↑potter's wheel •a hand-thrown vase LIGHT/SHADE 11. transitive ~ sth (+ adv./prep.) to send light or shade onto sth •The trees threw long shadows across the lawn. YOUR VOICE 12. transitive ~ your voice to make your voice sound as if it is coming from another person or place Syn: ↑project A PUNCH 13. transitive ~ a punch to hit sb with your ↑fist SWITCH/HANDLE 14. transitive ~ sth to move a switch, handle, etc. to operate sth BAD-TEMPERED BEHAVIOUR 15. transitive ~ sth to have a sudden period of bad-tempered behaviour, violent emotion, etc •She'll throw a fit if she finds out. •Children often throw tantrums at this age. A PARTY 16. transitive ~ a party (informal)to give a party IN SPORTS/COMPETITIONS 17. transitive ~ sth (informal)to deliberately lose a game or contest that you should have won •He was accused of having thrown the game. Rem: Idioms containing throw are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example throw your hat into the ring is at hat. Verb forms: Word Origin: Old English thrāwan ‘to twist, turn’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch draaien and German drehen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin terere ‘to rub’, Greek teirein ‘wear out’. The current senses which express propulsion and sudden action, date from Middle English. Synonyms: throw toss • hurl • fling • chuck • lob • bowl • pitch These words all mean to send sth from your hand through the air. throw • to send sth from your hand or hands through the air: ▪ Some kids were throwing stones at the window. ◇ ▪ She threw the ball and he caught it. toss • to throw sth lightly or carelessly: ▪ She tossed her jacket onto the bed. hurl • to throw sth violently in a particular direction: ▪ Rioters hurled a brick through the car's windscreen. fling • to throw sb/sth somewhere with a lot of force, especially because you are angry or in a hurry: ▪ She flung the letter down onto the table. chuck • (especially BrE, informal) to throw sth carelessly: ▪ I chucked him the keys. lob • (informal) to throw sth so that it goes high through the air: ▪ They were lobbing stones over the wall. bowl • (in cricket) to throw the ball to the batsman pitch • (in baseball) to throw the ball to the batter to throw/toss/hurl/fling/chuck/lob/bowl/pitch sth at/to sb/sth to throw/toss/fling/chuck sth aside/away to throw/toss/hurl/fling/chuck/lob/bowl/pitch a ball to throw/toss/hurl/fling/chuck stones/rocks/a brick to throw/toss/hurl/fling sth angrily to throw/toss sth casually/carelessly Example Bank: •He threatened to throw her in the river if she screamed. •He threw a stone at the window. •He threw the double doors open in a dramatic gesture. •He threw the keys casually down on the table. •I just wanted to throw myself into his arms and cry. •She threw her head back and laughed. •She threw the ball to him. •The ship's cargo was thrown overboard. •We were literally thrown out of our bunks. •Don't throw it to him, give it to him! •He always throws a big bash on Oscar night. •He threw the ball into the bushes and the dog ran to fetch it. •I think it's time we threw another cocktail party. •She threw the ball up into the air and caught it again. •Some kids were throwing things at the window. •The body had been thrown into the river. •The company threw a party to welcome the newcomers. •The speaker was completely thrown by the interruption. •They threw a party for him on his birthday. Idiom: $100/£50 a throw Derived: ↑throw somebody back on something ▪ ↑throw somebody off ▪ ↑throw somebody out ▪ ↑throw somebody over ▪ ↑throw somebody together ▪ ↑throw something aside ▪ ↑throw something away ▪ ↑throw something back at somebody ▪ ↑throw something in ▪ ↑throw something on ▪ ↑throw something open ▪ ↑throw something out ▪ ↑throw something together ▪ ↑throw something up ▪ ↑throw up ▪ ↑throw yourself at somebody ▪ ↑throw yourself into something noun 1. the act of throwing sth, especially a ball or ↑dice •a well-aimed throw •It's your throw (= it's your turn to throw the ↑dice ). •He threw me to the ground with a judo throw. 2. the distance which sth is thrown •a javelin throw of 57 metres 3. a loose cloth cover that can be thrown over a ↑sofa, etc.  more at a stone's throw at ↑stone n. Word Origin: Old English thrāwan ‘to twist, turn’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch draaien and German drehen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin terere ‘to rub’, Greek teirein ‘wear out’. The current senses which express propulsion and sudden action, date from Middle English. Example Bank: •a throw of the dice •It's your throw. See also: ↑throw something out
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