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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

quieten /ˈkwaɪətn/ BrE AmE British English, quiet American English verb
[Word Family: noun: ↑quiet, ↑disquiet, ↑quietness, ↑quietism, ↑quietude; verb: ↑quieten, ↑quiet; adverb: ↑quietly; adjective: ↑quiet]
1. [intransitive and transitive] (also quieten down British English) to become calmer and less noisy or active, or to make someone or something do this:
Javed Miandad appealed for calm, but he failed to quieten the protesters.
Quiet down and get ready for bed!
Things tend to quieten down after Christmas.
2. [transitive] to reduce a feeling such as fear or worry:
I managed to quieten her fears.

ngoại động từ (như) quiet
làm lắng xuống, làm yên tĩnh (về cái gì)
làm êm, làm dịu, nín, vỗ về (ai)

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