1 letters and parcels 2 addresses and stamps 3 sending sth through the post
1 letters and parcels - a written message that you send to sb: letter - a paper cover for a letter: envelope - a card that you write a message on and send to sb: postcard - something that is covered with paper and sent through the post: parcel (AmE also package) - a general term for letters, parcels, etc that you receive: post (noun U), (especially AmE) mail (noun U) Did we get any post this morning? ※ more on letters and parcels LETTER, PARCEL
2 addresses and stamps - the number of the house or flat, the name of the street and the name of the town or city in which the person who will receive a letter lives: address Do you know their address? ◎ a change of address - to write an address on an envelope: address sth (to sb) Address the envelope to me, and I'll reply with the information you need. - a group of letters and numbers which you write after the address: postcode (AmE zip code) 'What's his postcode?' 'It's SW1 4NP.' - a place in a post office where letters are kept until they are collected by the person they have been sent to: PO Box, post office box Sunshine Holidays, PO Box 25, Leeds, Yorkshire - the amount of money it costs to send a letter or parcel: postage (noun U) The postage on this parcel will be quite expensive. - a small square piece of paper stamp you stick on an envelope in order to show that you have paid for the postage: (postage) stamp Three stamps for Australia please. ◎ a first-class stamp ◎ Don't forget to stick/put a stamp on the envelope before you post it! - the mark that the post office prints over the stamp, showing the date and place where it was posted: postmark The postmark says it was posted in Manchester on 20 March.
3 sending sth through the post - the system for sending letters and parcels: post, (especially AmE mail); adjective: postal a mail van ◎ a good postal service - a place where you go to buy stamps, send letters and use other postal services: post office - the box in which you put a letter when you send it: postbox, letterbox (AmE mailbox) - to send a letter using the official post system: send* sth by post; a person who sends a letter: sender I want to send this by second-class post. - to put a letter or parcel in a post box: send* sth (off), post sth, (especially AmE) mail sth If you send it today it should arrive tomorrow. ◎ Would you mind posting this letter for me? - if you have sent sth, but the person has not received it yet, it is in the post Your cheque's in the post. - if you receive a letter for sb who lived in the house before you, you can write their new address on the envelope and send* it on, forward it Could you forward my mail to my new address please? - if you send your reply to a letter immediately, you send it by return (of post) Please reply by return of post. - the system for sending letters and parcels by aeroplane: airmail (noun U); by train and boat: surface mail (noun U) I'd like to send this by airmail. ◎ How long will it take if it goes by surface mail? - a service which you pay for, where you can receive money if your letter is lost or damaged in the post: registered post (noun U) I'd like to send this by registered post, please. - a service which you pay for, where the person who receives your letter must sign a document to say that they have received it: recorded delivery (noun U) - to take a letter or parcel to the address which is written on it: deliver sth The postman delivered a huge parcel this morning. - a man/woman whose job is to deliver letters and parcels: postman/postwoman (plural postmen/postwomen)(AmE mail carrier) What time does the postman usually come? - the time when letters are taken out of the postbox: collection The next collection is at 10 am. - the time when letters are brought to a place: delivery, post There's usually a delivery at about 9 am. ◎ It came in the second post. ※ MORE ... - letters that people receive although they have not asked for them, trying to persuade them to buy things, etc: junk mail (noun U) - a person who is interested in stamps and makes a hobby of collecting them: stamp-collector, (formal) philatelist a keen stamp-collector - the hobby of collecting stamps: stamp collecting (noun U), (formal) philately (noun U) a book on stamp-collecting - a book in which a stamp-collector sticks stamps: (stamp) album