Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 saying how hot sth is 2 when your body is hot 2 keeping warm when the weather is cold hot weather WEATHER making food hot; cooking COOK see also COLD
1 saying how hot sth is - not cold, having a high temperature: hot; noun (U): heat a hot day ◎ the heat of the sun ◎ extreme/fierce/scorching heat - to get hotter: heat up; to make sth get hotter: heat sth (up) Wait for the oven to heat up before you put the cake in. ◎ This huge house is impossible to heat. - a little hot: warm; noun (U): warmth warm clothes ◎ Are you warm enough? ◎ the warmth of the sun - to get warmer: warm up; to make sb/sth get warmer: warm sb/sth (up) We jumped up and down to try and warm up. ◎ Come and warm yourself by the fire. - a little warm: lukewarm lukewarm water - (used about liquids) only slightly warm: tepid - very hot: (informal) boiling, (informal) boiling hot Can I have a drink? I'm absolutely boiling. ◎ a boiling hot day - so hot that you cannot touch it: red-hot - (used about a very hot liquid) to burn sb/sth: scald sb/sth; very hot liquid is scalding, scalding hot ※ more on hot liquids LIQUID, WATER ※ measuring temperature - the measurement of how hot or cold sth is: temperature The temperature in Cairo was over 40※°C. ◎ a high/low/average temperature - an instrument for measuring temperature: thermometer - the unit that we use for measuring temperature: degree - two systems of measuring temperature: Celsius (sometimes called Centigrade) (C) and Fahrenheit (F) - when sth gets hotter, its temperature rises*; when it gets cooler, its temperature falls*
2 when your body is hot - the salty water which comes from your skin when you are hot: sweat (noun U); verb: sweat; covered with sweat: sweaty I felt really hot and sweaty. ※ being hot because you are ill ILLNESS
3 keeping warm when the weather is cold - a piece of equipment that is used to heat a room: (gas/electric) fire, (gas/electric) heater I lit the gas fire. ◎ I turned on the electric heater. - a fire that burns inside a house to keep it warm: fire a wood/coal fire - a system for keeping houses warm in cold weather: (central) heating (noun U) - a type of heater made of metal and filled with water (usually part of a central heating system): radiator ※ more on fires FIRE - a rubber container that is filled with hot water and put inside a bed to warm it: hot-water bottle - a special blanket heated by electricity which is used to warm a bed: electric blanket ※ clothes that keep you warm CLOTHES
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