Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 looking in different directions 2 looking quickly, carefully, secretly, etc 3 looking at sth happening see also SEE, LOOK FOR, FIND
1 looking in different directions - to turn your eyes in a particular direction in order to see sb/sth: look (at sb/sth), take*/have a look (at sb/sth) Pay attention everyone! Look at this! ◎ Look over there and tell me what you can see. ◎ Don't look! ◎ Why are you looking at me like that? ◎ Look both ways carefully before you cross the road. ◎ Take a look at this! ◎ That's unusual - can I have a look? - to look outside when you are in a room, etc: look out (of sth) to look out of a window - to turn your head in order to look at sb/sth: look round She heard footsteps behind her but did not look round. - to look behind you: look back We looked back several times, but couldn't see anyone following us. - to lower your eyes to look at sth: look down Keep climbing and don't look down! - to raise your eyes to look at sth: look up He looked up as I came into the room. - to look in a particular direction: look towards sb/sth She was looking towards me across the crowded room. - to stop looking at sb/sth: look away (from sb/sth) You might miss something if you look away, even for a moment. - to look inside sth: look into sth He looked into the box and saw something move. - to look at a mirror, a person's eyes, etc: look into sth If you look into the lake, you'll see your own face. ◎ She looked into his eyes and knew that he was lying. - to look at all the different parts, rooms, etc of a building: look round sth Would you like to look round the house by yourselves?
2 looking quickly, carefully, secretly, etc ※ looking for a long time - to look at a thing or person continuously for a long time: stare (at sb/sth) It's rude to stare. ◎ She stared at him in surprise. - to stare angrily: glare (at sb/sth) She glared at me and I realized my mistake. - to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time: gaze (at sb/sth) She sat and gazed into the distance for a while. ※ looking quickly - to take a quick look: glance (at sb/sth); noun: glance She glanced in the mirror as she walked past. ◎ I only had time for a quick glance at your essay. - to look at sth quickly to get a general idea of what it is like: look sth over Have you looked over my report yet? ◎ The boss wants to look the accounts over next week. ※ looking carefully - to look carefully at sb/sth: look hard (at sb/sth) She looked at him hard and wondered if she could trust him. - to look at every detail of sth: scrutinize sth; noun: scrutiny The guard scrutinized our passports. - to look at sth, usually a text, a picture or sb's face, very carefully: study sth Study the instructions carefully before you begin to work. - to look carefully at sb/sth in order to find sth out: examine sb/sth, inspect sth The police are examining security videos to try to identify the criminal. ◎ You should inspect the engine before you buy a car. - to look closely at sb/sth because you cannot see them/it very well: peer (at sb/sth) He peered at the photograph until he found his father's face. ※ looking secretly - to look at sth quickly and secretly: peep (at sth), have/take* a peep (at sth), (informal) sneak a look (at sth) She couldn't resist peeping inside the box. ◎ I sneaked a look at the letter as it lay open on the breakfast table. - to look around secretly and without permission in order to find out information: snoop around The police caught him snooping around the back door of the bank. ※ looking in order to check that sth is all right - to look at sth in order to check that what you think or have been told about it is true: see* (sth) for yourself, check (up) (on sth) If you don't believe me, then come and see for yourself. ◎ I looked into the bedroom to check on what the children were doing.
3 looking at sth happening - to look at a person doing sth or at sth happening: watch sb/sth Watch me! ◎ She watched how to do it. ◎ I watched him cross the street. - to look at programmes on television: watch television - to look at or watch a film, play, etc: see* sth Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'? ◎ Did you see the game between Arsenal and Juventus? - to watch sb/sth carefully: observe sb/sth; the act of observing: observation (noun U) to observe an animal in its natural surroundings ◎ The police have had him under observation for some time. - a person who watches sth: observer an observer of animal behaviour - the people who watch a play, a concert, a speech or the television, etc: audience The audience clapped and cheered. - a person who watches a sport: spectator The spectators were asked to stand well back from the road. - a person who watches sth happening near them without taking part in it: onlooker; to do this: look on The crowd of onlookers were horrified by what had happened. ◎ People stood around looking on as the prisoners were put in the van. - a person who watches out for danger: lookout; to do this: look out, keep* a lookout (for sb/sth) He had to look out for anyone coming along the street, while the others emptied the shop window. ※ more on audiences AUDIENCE
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