movement of air in a room or building AIR see also WEATHER - the movement of air across the earth: wind (noun C/U) a cold/warm wind ◎ a tree blown over by the wind ◎ There was a lot of wind and rain all day. - with a lot of wind: windy windy weather ◎ a windy night - a wind which comes from the north/south/east/west: north/south/east/west wind - when it is windy, the wind blows* The wind is blowing harder than ever. - to fly away because of the wind: blow* away, be blown away All his papers blew away. ◎ The roof of the house had been blown completely away. - to fall off sth because of the wind: blow* off, be blown off My hat blew off in the wind. - to fall down because of the wind: blow* over, be blown over The wind was so strong I was nearly blown over. ※ strong wind - a wind that is blowing hard is a strong wind - a very strong wind: gale, hurricane; different kinds of strong circular wind: cyclone, tornado, typhoon, whirlwind - a short period of strong wind and heavy rain or snow: storm; adjective: stormy a violent storm ◎ stormy weather - a strong sudden movement of wind: gust gusts of wind up to 100 mph - when a strong wind makes a noise, it howls, whistles We could hear the wind whistling through the trees. ※ more on storms STORM ※ wind which is not strong - a wind that is not strong is light, gentle a light south-westerly wind - a light wind: breeze; when there is a breeze, the weather is breezy a gentle breeze ◎ a sea breeze ◎ a breezy day - a small amount of gentle wind: breath of wind There was not even a breath of wind. ※ cold wind - a very cold wind is biting, freezing, icy a biting north wind ※ when the wind stops - when the wind stops, it drops, dies down, (formal) subsides - when there is no wind, the weather is calm, still The wind died down and everything was still. ※ MORE ... - the most common wind direction in a particular place: prevailing wind The prevailing wind is from the west. - a tall building with long arms (sails) that stick out from it and turn in the wind; used for grinding corn, producing electricity, etc: windmill - a place where there are several windmills used for producing electricity: wind farm