Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
things that must happen or be done MUST duties at work WORK - something that you must do because people expect you to do it, or because you think it is right: duty (noun C/U), (formal) obligation (noun C/U) I felt I had a duty to speak out. ◎ a sense of duty ◎ to do your duty ◎ We all have an obligation to protect the environment. - the duty of a particular person: responsibility (noun C/U); a person who has a particular responsibility is responsible (for sth/doing sth) It's my responsibility to make sure that the lights are turned out. ◎ We all have responsibilities towards our families. ◎ Don't ask him to do it - he hates responsibility. ◎ Who is responsible for cleaning this office? - if it is sb's duty to do sth, or if it is right for them to do it, they should do it, ought to do it, are supposed to do it The government should do something about it. ◎ You ought to report this to the police. ◎ She's supposed to check all the rooms before she locks the building at night. - to have confidence that a person will actually do what they are supposed to do: trust sb (to do sth) I trusted her to finish the job properly. ※ trusting sb TRUST
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