1. a large and stately mansion (Freq. 3) • Syn: castle • Derivationally related forms: palatial • Hypernyms: mansion, mansion house, manse, hall, residence • Instance Hyponyms: Buckingham Palace • Part Meronyms: great hall 2. the governing group of a kingdom (Freq. 2) - the palace issued an order binding on all subjects • Hypernyms: government, authorities, regime 3. a large ornate exhibition hall • Hypernyms: exhibition hall, exhibition area 4. official residence of an exalted person (as a sovereign) • Derivationally related forms: palatial • Hypernyms: residence • Hyponyms: alcazar • Instance Hyponyms: Alhambra, Lateran Palace, Tuileries, Tuileries Palace, Versailles, Palace of Versailles