1. an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance (Freq. 18) • Derivationally related forms: symbolical, symbolic, symbolize, symbolise • Hypernyms: signal, signaling, sign • Hyponyms: stock symbol, award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels, mark, stigma, brand, stain, token, item, type, nose, numeral, number, symbolism, lingam, pound, pound sign, written symbol, printed symbol, dollar, dollar mark, dollar sign, monogram, stamp, impression, mantle, mantle, staff, icon, marker, marking, identifier, variable 2. something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible (Freq. 2) - the eagle is a symbol of the United States • Syn: symbolization, symbolisation, symbolic representation • Derivationally related forms: symbolise (for: symbolisation), symbolize (for: symbolization), symbolical, symbolic, symbolize, symbolise • Hypernyms: representational process • Hyponyms: crossbones, horn of plenty, cornucopia, death's head, oriflamme, white feather, emblem, allegory