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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.fuse1 /fjuːz/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Sense 1: Date: 1800-1900; Origin: ⇨ ↑fuse2]
[Sense 2,3: Date: 1600-1700; Language: Italian; Origin: fuso 'spindle (= long thin part which turns around)', from Latin fusus]

1. a short thin piece of wire inside electrical equipment which prevents damage by melting and stopping the electricity when there is too much power:
two 13 amp fuses
I taught him how to change a fuse.
blow a fuse (=make it melt by putting too much electricity through it)
2. (also fuze American English) a thing that delays a bomb, ↑firework etc from exploding until you are a safe distance away, or makes it explode at a particular time
3. a short fuse if someone has a short fuse, they get angry very easily
blow a fuse at ↑blow1(16)
II.fuse2 BrE AmE verb
[intransitive and transitive]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: fusus, past participle of fundere 'to pour, melt']
1. to join together physically, or to make things join together, and become a single thing
fuse (something) together
The egg and sperm fuse together as one cell.
2. to combine different qualities, ideas, or things, or to be combined SYN merge:
Their music fuses elements as diverse as Cajun, bebop and Cuban waltzes.
fuse (something) with something
Leonard takes Carver-style dirty realism and fuses it with the pace of a detective story.
fuse (something) into something
We intend to fuse the companies into a single organization.
3. British English if electrical equipment fuses, or if you fuse it, it stops working because a fuse has melted:
The lights have fused again.
4. technical if a rock or metal fuses, or if you fuse it, it becomes liquid by being heated:
Lead fuses at quite a low temperature.
⇨ ↑fusion
• • •
to mix styles, ideas, or other things
mix to put different styles, ideas, or other things together: His music mixes jazz and classical styles. | The different categories of books were all mixed together.
combine to mix different styles, ideas, or other things, so that they work together or become a single thing: Diets are most effective when they are combined with exercise. | He combines Greek philosophy with Christian teachings.
blend to combine parts of different things together, especially in a successful and effective way: The teaching course blends theory and practice in the classroom.
fuse to combine different styles in order to form a new style: The band fuses African rhythms with traditional Celtic music.
jumble to mix things together in an untidy way, so that they are not in any order: The jigsaw pieces were all jumbled together in the box.

danh từ
(tròng một mạch điện) đoạn dây kim loại ngắn nóng chảy ra và làm ngắt mạch điện nếu dòng điện vượt quá mức an toàn; cầu chì
it looks as though you've blown a fuse
dường như anh đã làm nổ cầu chì
tủ đựng cầu chì
dây chì
động từ
(thuộc một mạch điện) ngừng hoặc làm ngừng hoạt động vì cầu chì nóng chảy
the lights have all fused
tất cả các đèn đều hỏng cầu chì
I've fused all the lights
tôi đã làm hỏng cầu chì tất cả các đèn
danh từ
mẩu vật liệu dễ cháy (dây, giấy) có tia lửa chuyển động theo chiều dài châm ngòi cho pháo, bom... khiến nó nổ; ngòi nổ; kip nổ
thiết bị làm bom đạn nổ do chạm mạnh hoặc do đặt giờ (cũng) fuze
the bomb had been set with a four-hour fuse
quả bom được hẹn giờ để bốn giờ sau sẽ nổ
on a short fuse
(nghĩa bóng) nóng nảy; dễ cáu tiết
động từ
(làm cho vật gì) trở thành lỏng bằng cách đốt nóng; nấu chảy
to fuse metals (into a solid mass)
nấu chảy các kim loại (thành một khối)
nối (cái gì) hoặc hỗn hợp bằng cách đốt nóng
to fuse two pieces of wire together
hàn nối hai mẩu dây kim loại lại với nhau
the two companies are fused by their common interest
hai công ty hợp nhất vì lợi ích chung của họ

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