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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.nose1 S2 W2 /nəʊz $ noʊz/ BrE AmE noun
[Language: Old English; Origin: nosu]

1. ON YOUR FACE [countable] the part of a person’s or animal’s face used for smelling or breathing ⇨ nasal, nostril:
Someone punched him on the nose.
2. (right) under sb’s nose
a) if something bad or illegal happens under someone’s nose, they do not notice it even though it is happening very close to them and they should have noticed it:
The drugs were smuggled in right under the noses of the security guards.
b) if something is right under someone’s nose, they cannot see it even though it is very close to them:
The key was right under my nose all the time.
3. stick/poke your nose into something to become involved in something that does not concern you, in a way that annoys people ⇨ nosy:
She always has to stick her nose into matters that do not concern her.
4. keep your nose out (of something) spoken to avoid becoming involved in something that does not concern you:
I wish he’d keep his nose out of my business!
5. turn your nose up (at something) informal to refuse to accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you:
My children turn their noses up at home cooking.
6. with your nose in the air behaving as if you are more important than other people and not talking to them:
She just walked past with her nose in the air.
7. have a (good) nose for something to be naturally good at finding and recognizing something:
a reporter with a good nose for a story
8. get (right) up sb’s nose British English spoken to annoy someone very much:
I wish he wouldn’t keep interrupting. It really gets up my nose.
9. keep your nose clean spoken to make sure you do not get into trouble, or do anything wrong or illegal:
Sid’s got to keep his nose clean or he’ll end up back in prison.
10. on the nose American English spoken exactly:
He gets up at 6 a.m. on the nose every morning.
11. keep your nose to the grindstone informal to work very hard, without stopping to rest:
Jim had decided he was going to keep his nose to the grindstone.
12. have your nose in a book/magazine/newspaper to be reading a book etc, especially with a lot of interest:
She always had her nose in a book.
13. by a nose if a horse wins a race by a nose, it only just wins
14. have a nose around British English spoken to look around a place in order to try to find something, when there is no one else there
15. put sb’s nose out of joint informal to annoy someone, especially by attracting everyone’s attention away from them:
His nose has been put a bit out of joint ever since Marion got here.
16. nose to tail especially British English cars, buses etc that are nose to tail are in a line without much space between them:
Traffic was nose to tail for three miles.
17. PLANE [countable] the pointed front end of a plane, ↑rocket etc
18. SMELL [singular] the smell of a wine or tobacco SYN bouquet
⇨ ↑hard-nosed, ↑brown-nose, ⇨ cut off your nose to spite your face at CUT OFF(10), ⇨ ↑nose job, ⇨ lead somebody by the nose at ↑lead1(16), ⇨ look down your nose at somebody/something at ↑look1(8), ⇨ pay through the nose at ↑pay1(16), ⇨ as plain as the nose on your face at ↑plain1(1), ⇨ poke your nose into something at ↑poke1(7), ⇨ powder your nose at ↑powder2(2), ⇨ rub sb’s nose in it/in the dirt at ↑rub1(9), ⇨ thumb your nose at somebody/something at ↑thumb2(2)
• • •
big See that guy over there, the one with the big nose?
small She had high cheekbones and a small nose.
long His nose was long and his chin square.
straight Her nose was long, straight and elegant.
runny (=with liquid coming out) A runny nose may be the result of an allergic reaction.
snotty (=with unpleasant thick liquid coming out) a group of dirty children with snotty noses
blocked (=so that you cannot breathe easily) My nose is really blocked and I can't smell anything.
red (=because you are cold or drunk, or have a cold) His nose was red from the cold.
a snub/turned-up nose (=one that curves up at the end) She had big eyes and a turned-up nose.
a hooked nose (=one that curves down at the end) an old man with a hooked nose
a Roman/aquiline nose formal (=one that curves out near the top) He had a thin face with an aquiline nose.
a broken nose (=one that is not straight because the bone has been broken by a hit or fall) a boxer with a broken nose
blow your nose (=clear your nose by blowing strongly into a piece of soft paper or cloth) She blew her nose on a large white handkerchief.
wipe your nose (=wipe liquid away from your nose) The boy wiped his nose on his sleeve.
pick your nose (=remove substances from inside your nose with your finger) Stop picking your nose, Freddy.
wrinkle your nose (=move the muscles near your nose when you do not like something) Susan looked at the meal and wrinkled her nose.
hold your nose (=so that you cannot smell a bad smell) The smell was so revolting that I had to hold my nose.
breathe through your nose Close your eyes and breathe through your nose.
somebody's nose is running (=liquid is coming out) She was crying hard and her nose was running.
the bridge of your nose (=the upper part, between your eyes) Sam pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.
II.nose2 BrE AmE verb

[intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] if a vehicle, boat etc noses forward, or if you nose it forward, it moves forward slowly SYN edge
nose its way along/through etc something
The bus nosed its way along the street.
She carefully nosed the car forward through the traffic.
nose around (something) (also nose about (something) British English) phrasal verb
to look around a place in order to try to find something, when there is no one else there:
What were you doing nosing around in my office?
nose into something phrasal verb
to try to find out private information about someone or something, especially in a way that is annoying
nose something ↔ out phrasal verb informal
1. to discover some information that someone else does not want you to discover:
The media always manage to nose out some interesting facts about a politician’s past life.
2. to defeat someone by a very small amount in a race, competition etc



We use the nose to breathe; it also gives us a sense of smell.

danh từ
bộ phận của mặt ở phía trên mũi, dùng để thở và ngửi
to give somebody a punch on the nose
tống cho ai một quả vào mũi
vật giống như hình cái mũi hoặc ở vị trí cái mũi (mặt trước của thân bay, của xe hơi chẳng hạn...)
he brought the aircraft's nose up and make a perfect landing
anh ta (lái) hất mũi máy bay lên và thực hiện việc hạ cánh hoàn hảo
khứu giác
a dog with a good nose
con chó thính mũi
năng lực phát hiện hoặc tìm ra cái gì; sự thính nhạy
a reporter with a nose for news
phóng viên nhạy săn tin tức
mùi, hương vị
to be no skin off one's nose
xem skin
to blow one's nose
xem blow
by a nose
cách một lề rất nhỏ; sát nút
to cut off one's nose to spite one's face
cố tìm cách trả thù ai nhưng hoá ra là tự hại mình
to follow one's nose
xem follow
to get up somebody's nose
làm ai phát cáu
to have one's nose in something
chăm chú đọc cái gì; chúi mũi vào
to keep one's nose clean
(nghĩa bóng) giữ cho bản thân trong sạch; giữ mình trong sạch
to keep one's/ somebody's nose to the grindstone
tự mình hoặc bắt ai làm việc cật lực
to lead somebody by the nose
xem lead
to look down one's nose at somebody/something
coi thường, khinh thường
on the nose
đích thị; chính xác
to pay through the nose
xem pay
plain as the nose on one's face
xem plain
to poke/stick one's nose into something
can thiệp/xía vào chuyện của người khác
to put somebody's nose out of joint
làm cho ai ngượng nghịu hoặc bực bội
to rub somebody's nose in it
xem rub
to thumb one's nose at somebody/something
xem thumb
to turn one's nose up at something
coi thường cái gì
(right) under somebody's (very) nose
ngay trước mặt ai
with one's nose in the air
vênh mặt lên; hách dịch
động từ
đi chậm chạp về phía trước; tiến chậm
the car nosed carefully round the corner
chiếc xe hơi rẽ chầm chậm vào góc phố
the plane nosed into the hangar
máy bay từ từ lăn bánh vào nhà chứa phi cơ
the ship nosed its way slowly through the ice
chiếc tàu chậm chạp lần đường qua lớp băng
to nose about/around; to nose into something
sục sạo; gí mũi vào
a reporter nosing around for news
phóng viên sục sạo tin tức
don't nose into/nose about in other people's affairs
đừng gí mũi vào việc người khác
to nose something out
đánh hơi thấy cái gì
the dog nosed out a rat
con chó đánh hơi thấy con chuột
he can nose out a news story anywhere
ở đâu ông ấy cũng có thể tìm ra một câu chuyện thời sự

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