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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.late1 S1 W1 /leɪt/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative later, superlative latest)
[Language: Old English; Origin: læt]
1. AFTER EXPECTED TIME arriving, happening, or done after the time that was expected, agreed, or arranged OPP early:
Sorry I’m late – I overslept.
ten minutes/two hours etc late
You’re half an hour late.
The train was even later than usual.
We apologize for the late departure of flight AZ709.
There are penalties if loan repayments are late.
late for
Cheryl was late for school.
late with
We’ve never been late with the rent.
2. NEAR THE END [only before noun] used to refer to the part near the end of a period of time OPP early:
a late eighteenth century building
Paul’s in his late forties.
in the late 1980s
By late afternoon, she had done 10 drawings.
3. be too late to arrive or do something after the time when something could or should have been done:
He shouted a warning but it was too late.
too late to do something
Are we too late to get tickets?
It was too late to turn back.
4. AFTER USUAL TIME happening or done after the usual or normal time:
a late breakfast
The harvest was late this year because of the rain.
She looked tired – too many late nights (=nights when she went to bed after the normal time).
5. EVENING near the end of a day:
the late movie
It’s late – I’d better go home.
6. DEAD [only before noun] dead
late husband/wife
Mrs. Moore’s late husband
7. late developer/bloomer
a) a child who develops socially, emotionally, or physically at a later age than other children
b) someone who does not become successful until they are older
8. it’s (a little/bit) late in the day (to do something) used to show disapproval because someone has done something too late:
It’s a bit late in the day to start having objections.
9. late of something formal used about someone who has died fairly recently:
Billy Hicks, late of this parish
—lateness noun
penalties for lateness at work
despite the lateness of the hour
• • •
late arriving or happening after the time that was expected or arranged: Sorry I’m late. | The bus was late. | Spring seems to be very late this year.
not on time not arriving or doing something at the time that was expected or arranged: He never hands his homework in on time. | If we don’t leave on time, we’ll miss the flight.
overdue not done or happening by the expected time – used especially about payments that are late or library books that should have been returned: Your rent is three weeks overdue. | I had to pay a £3 fine on some overdue library books.
be behind with something British English, be behind on something
American English to be late in doing something that you have to do: I can’t come out because I’m behind with my English essay.
be held up to be made late for a meeting, appointment etc by something that happens, especially by bad traffic: I was held up by a traffic jam.
be delayed to be prevented from arriving, leaving, or happening at the expected time – often used about public transport: The flight was delayed by bad weather.
belated /bɪˈleɪtəd, bɪˈleɪtɪd/ given or done late – used especially about something that someone has forgotten or failed to do: a belated birthday card | I’m still hoping for a belated apology from him.
tardy especially American English formal arriving or happening late: a habitually tardy person | a tardy decision
be in arrears /əˈrɪəz $ əˈrɪrz/ formal to have not made one or more regular payments at the time when you should: One in eight mortgage payers are in arrears.
II.late2 S2 W3 BrE AmE adverb
(comparative later, superlative no superlative)
1. after the usual time:
The stores are open later on Thursdays.
Ellen has to work late tonight.
Can you stay late?
2. after the arranged or expected time OPP early
ten minutes/two hours etc late
The bus came ten minutes late.
3. too late after the time when something could or should have been done:
The advice came too late.
4. near to the end of a period of time or an event
late in
The wedding took place late in May.
It was not a place to walk in late at night.
5. as late as something used to express surprise that something considered old-fashioned was still happening so recently:
Capital punishment was still used in Britain as late as the 1950s.
6. of late formal recently:
Birth rates have gone down of late.
7. late in life if you do something late in life, you do it at an older age than most people do it
8. better late than never used to say that you are glad someone has done something, or to say that they should do something even though they are late
run late at ↑run1(39)



The sun sets late in the day.

tính từ
chậm, muộn, trễ
to be late for school
đi học trễ
to be late for work
đi làm muộn
late repentance
sự hối hận muộn mằn
my flight was an hour late
chuyến bay của tôi chậm một giờ
because of the cold weather, the crops are late this year
vì trời rét, năm nay thu hoạch muộn
a late riser
người dậy muộn
đã chết, quá cố
their late mother
người mẹ quá cố của họ
cựu, nguyên
the late chairman of the Board of Management attended the meeting
cựu chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị cũng đến dự cuộc họp
vào cuối ngày hoặc đêm, hoặc một thời gian hoặc một loạt...
till a late hour
đến một thời điểm rất khuya
the late twentieth century
cuối thế kỷ hai mươi
in the late 1990s
cuối những năm 1990
in late 1998
cuối năm 1998
in the late afternoon
vào cuối buổi chiều
in late summer
vào cuối mùa hè
she married in her late twenties
cô ta lấy chồng vào cuối những năm tuổi hai mươi
Beethoven's late quarters
những bản tứ tấu cuối đời của Beethoven
a late Victorian house
một ngôi nhà có từ cuối thời nữ hoàng Victoria
(nhất là trong dạng so sánh cao nhất) gần đây, mới đây
there were several clashes before the latest incident
đã có nhiều cuộc xung đột xảy ra trước vụ rắc rối gần đây nhất
the latest craze/fashion/vogue
sự say mê/mốt/thời thượng mới nhất
she always dressed in the latest fashion
cô ta luôn ăn mặc theo mốt mới nhất
her latest novel
cuốn tiểu thuyết gần đây nhất của bà ta
during the late political unrest
trong thời gian bất ổn về chính trị gần đây
at the latest
chậm nhất là..., trễ nhất là....., muộn nhất là.....
I have to finish this homework at midnight at the latest
tôi phải làm xong bài tập này chậm nhất là vào lúc nửa đêm
passengers should check in one hour before their flight time at the latest
hành khách phải làm thủ tục chậm nhất là một giờ trước khi bay
to have a late night
đi ngủ trễ, ngủ muộn
it's never too late to mend
phục thiện bản thân mình thì không lúc nào gọi là muộn cả
phó từ
muộn, trễ, chậm
I sat up late last night
đêm qua tôi thức khuya
to get up late
dậy trễ, dậy muộn
to arrive home late
về nhà muộn
late at night
vào lúc đêm khuya
vào cuối một thời kỳ
it happened late last century - in 1985, to be exact
chuyện này xảy ra vào cuối thế kỷ trước - đích xác là năm 1895
as late as the 1950s tuberculosis was still a threat
mãi đến cuối thập niên 1950, bệnh lao phổi vẫn còn là một mối đe doạ
he became an author quite late in life
mãi đến cuối đời ông ta mới trở thành một tác giả
better late than never
muộn còn hơn không đến, có còn hơn không
late in the day
quá trễ, quá muộn
it is late in the day to say that you want to care for your mother, because she is no more
bây giờ nói anh muốn lo cho mẹ thì đã quá muộn, vì mẹ đâu còn nữa
sooner or later
trước sau gì cũng..., sớm muộn gì cũng.....
later on
vào một thời điểm hoặc giai đoạn sau
a few days later on
vài ngày sau đó
at first, things went well, but later on, we ran into trouble
thoạt đầu mọi việc đều trôi chảy, nhưng về sau thì chúng tôi gặp rắc rối

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