1. building material used as siding or roofing • Syn: shingle • Derivationally related forms: shingle (for: shingle) • Hypernyms: building material 2. a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it • Syn: trill • Derivationally related forms: trill (for: trill) • Hypernyms: note, musical note, tone 3. grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract) • Syn: handshake, handshaking, handclasp • Derivationally related forms: shake hands (for: handshaking), shake hands (for: handshake) • Topics: contract • Hypernyms: acknowledgment, acknowledgement 4. frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream • Syn: milkshake, milk shake • Hypernyms: drink • Hyponyms: eggshake, frappe, malted, malt, malted milk 5. a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement • Syn: tremble, shiver • Derivationally related forms: shaky, shivery (for: shiver), shiver (for: shiver), tremble (for: tremble) • Hypernyms: reflex, reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction 6. causing to move repeatedly from side to side • Syn: wag, waggle • Derivationally related forms: waggle (for: waggle), wag (for: wag) • Hypernyms: agitation
1. move or cause to move back and forth (Freq. 42) - The chemist shook the flask vigorously - My hands were shaking • Syn: agitate • Derivationally related forms: shaker, shaking • Hypernyms: move • Hyponyms: fluff up, plump up, shake up, fan, tremble, tremor, quake, palpitate, convulse, sparge, succuss, concuss, rattle, thresh, thresh about, thrash, thrash about, slash, toss, jactitate, jiggle, joggle, wiggle • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something 2. move with or as if with a tremor (Freq. 14) - his hands shook • Syn: didder • Derivationally related forms: shaking • Hypernyms: move involuntarily, move reflexively • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 3. shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively (Freq. 8) - The old engine was juddering • Syn: judder • Regions: United Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain • Hypernyms: vibrate • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 4. move back and forth or sideways (Freq. 6) - the ship was rocking - the tall building swayed - She rocked back and forth on her feet • Syn: rock, sway • Derivationally related forms: sway (for: sway), rocker (for: rock), rock (for: rock) • Hypernyms: move back and forth • Hyponyms: roll, nutate, swag, totter • Verb Group: rock, sway • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - The crowds shake in the streets - The streets shake with crowds 5. undermine or cause to waver (Freq. 6) - my faith has been shaken - The bad news shook her hopes • Hypernyms: weaken • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 6. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of (Freq. 2) - These stories shook the community - the civil war shook the country • Syn: stimulate, shake up, excite, stir • See Also: stir up (for: stir) • Derivationally related forms: stir (for: stir), stirrer (for: stir), excitement (for: excite), excitation (for: excite) • Hypernyms: arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke • Hyponyms: fuel, arouse, sex, excite, turn on, wind up, frighten, fright, scare, affright, thrill, tickle, vibrate, tempt, invite, elate, lift up, uplift, pick up, intoxicate, inspire, animate, invigorate, enliven, exalt, titillate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - The performance is likely to shake Sue - The bad news will shake him 7. get rid of (Freq. 1) - I couldn't shake the car that was following me • Syn: shake off, throw off, escape from • Hypernyms: escape, get away, break loose • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 8. bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking (Freq. 1) - He was shaken from his dreams - shake the salt out of the salt shaker • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody 9. shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state - shake one's head - She shook her finger at the naughty students - The old enemies shook hands - Don't shake your fist at me! • Hypernyms: gesticulate, gesture, motion • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something