Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 using sth 2 sth being used 3 using sth wrongly
1 using sth - to do sth with sth for a purpose: use sth They use their spare bedroom as a study. ◎ I only use the car for taking the children to school. - to use sth for a particular purpose: make* use of sth, (formal) utilize sth You ought to make more use of the library. ◎ We're not utilizing our resources economically. - the act of using sth: use (noun U) People are worried by the increasing use of drugs by schoolchildren. - a person who uses sth: user Users are requested to turn off the lights when they leave the laboratory. - to use natural resources, for example energy or food: consume sth; noun (U): consumption The meat was declared unfit for human consumption. - to use sth again: reuse sth to reuse an old envelope - to put sth (for example paper, glass) through a process that enables you to use it again: recycle sth Save your paper for recycling. - to use sth in order to see if it works or how well it works: try sth out Take it home, try it out, and if you don't like it you can bring it back. - to use one person or thing instead of another: replace A (with B), substitute B (for A); nouns (U): replacement, substitution They want to replace him with a younger person. ◎ If she leaves, we'll have to advertise for a replacement. ◎ the substitution of one thing for another - a person or thing that is used instead of another: replacement (for sb/sth), substitute (for sb/sth) to use margarine as a substitute for butter - if you no longer need to use sb/sth, you stop using them/it, (formal) dispense with them/it I've stopped using my typewriter - I use a computer instead. ◎ We've entirely dispensed with security staff. We now rely on closed circuit TV. ※ using sth until it is finished - to use sth until there is nothing left: use sth up, exhaust sth You've used up all my envelopes! ◎ By the end of the journey we had almost exhausted our supplies. - if sth has been used so much that it breaks or is no longer usable, it wears* out; to use sth so much that it breaks or is no longer usable: wear* sth out These trousers have worn out - I'll have to throw them away.
2 sth being used - the purpose for which sth is used: use, function a penknife with lots of different uses ◎ For most people, the main function of a computer is as a word processor. - to be used as sth: serve as sth This box can serve as a table until we buy some furniture. - if sth helps you or you can use it, it is useful; noun (U): usefulness a useful tool ◎ Medical experts are questioning the usefulness of this treatment. - something which can be used is usable It's very old and no longer usable. ※ being useful USEFUL/SUITABLE - being used at the moment: in use, (used about a system) operational, in operation, (used about a rule or arrangement) in effect The room is in use at the moment - come back in five minutes. ◎ The new factory is now fully operational. - to start using sth: bring* sth into use/operation/effect; to begin to be used: come* into use/operation/effect When did fax machines come into use? ◎ The new timetable comes into effect on the 1 May. - available for you to use: at your disposal, (used about a room, a seat, etc) free You will have a small office at your disposal while you're working for us. ◎ 'Is this seat free?' 'No, I'm afraid it's taken.' - easy to use: user-friendly a user-friendly computer program - designed to be thrown away after you have used it: disposable disposable nappies ◎ a disposable razor ※ not used - if sth is not being used or cannot be used because it is broken it is out of use My car's been out of use for two months now. - not yet used: unused an unused envelope - no longer used: abandoned, (used about buildings) disused, derelict We saw several abandoned cars at the side of the road. ◎ a disused warehouse ◎ a derelict house
3 using sth wrongly - to use sth in a way that it is not intended to be used: misuse sth; noun (U): misuse I'm worried about the possible misuse of this equipment. - to use a person or thing wrongly, and in a way which may damage them/it: abuse sb/sth; noun (C/U): abuse to suffer physical and mental abuse ◎ an abuse of power - to use sb/sth selfishly, wrongly or unfairly: exploit sb/sth; noun (U): exploitation I felt I was being exploited. ◎ To work so hard for so little money sounds like exploitation. - to use sth in a careless or unnecessary way: waste sth; adjective: wasteful (adverb wastefully) He wastes his money gambling. ◎ It seems wasteful to spend so much money at Christmas. - if you think that it is a pity that sb/sth good or useful is not being used, you can say that it is a waste a waste of valuable resources
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