see also PAIN, SAD - to produce water from your eyes, and make a noise, because you are unhappy or have hurt yourself: cry, (formal) weep* Don't cry! Everything's going to be all right. ◎ The baby was crying all night. - one of the drops of water that you produce when you cry: tear (usually plural) She wiped away her tears. ◎ The tears started rolling down her cheeks. - if sb is crying, they are in tears She was in tears over the death of her pet dog. - if sb is nearly crying, or crying just a little, they are tearful (adverb tearfully) Poor little Johnny was rather tearful on his first day at school. - to start crying suddenly: break*/burst* into tears, burst* out crying When I told her the bad news, she burst into tears. - if you have been trying not to cry for a long time, but you finally start crying, you break* down When I said that, it all became too much for her and she finally broke down. - to cry very hard for a long time: cry your eyes out, cry your heart out She's been crying her eyes out all day since she heard the dreadful news. - to cry until you fall asleep: cry yourself to sleep I just can't forget him. I cry myself to sleep every night. - if you are nearly crying, but you are able to stop yourself, you choke back the tears 'Thank you, you've been so kind,' he said, choking back the tears. ※ different ways of crying - to cry while making a noise or while speaking: sob; noun: sob 'Why did this have to happen?' sobbed the woman. ◎ The child let out a loud sob. - to cry very loudly, like a baby: bawl - to cry and sniff in an annoying way: snivel Stop snivelling - you're not a child! - to cry with great pain or sadness, making a low noise: moan; noun: moan The man was still alive - we could hear him moaning under the wreckage. - to cry very loudly and dramatically: wail - to cry quietly, making a high noise: whimper; noun: whimper The puppy whimpered with pain. ※ MORE ... - if a child cries a lot, other children sometimes call him/her a cry-baby Don't be such a cry-baby! - if you cry, not because you are sad, but because your eyes are irritated, you say that your eyes water These onions are making my eyes water!