1. a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge (Freq. 1) • Syn: pad of paper, tablet • Hypernyms: paper • Hyponyms: message pad, writing pad, notepad 2. the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily) • Hypernyms: leaf, leafage, foliage • Hyponyms: lily pad • Part Holonyms: aquatic plant, water plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic plant 3. a flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comfort • Hypernyms: padding, cushioning • Hyponyms: carpet pad, rug pad, underlay, underlayment, cleaning pad, mat, mattress, mattress pad, panel, plastron, potholder, powderpuff, puff, rat, sanitary napkin, sanitary towel, Kotex, table mat, hot pad, transdermal patch, skin patch 4. temporary living quarters • Syn: diggings, digs, domiciliation, lodgings • Derivationally related forms: lodge (for: lodgings), domiciliate (for: domiciliation) • Hypernyms: living quarters, quarters 5. a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched • Syn: launching pad, launchpad, launch pad, launch area • Hypernyms: platform • Part Holonyms: launching site 6. a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp • Syn: inkpad, inking pad, stamp pad • Hypernyms: block 7. the fleshy cushion-like underside of an animal's foot or of a human's finger • Hypernyms: structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure • Part Holonyms: paw, finger
1. add details to (Freq. 1) • Syn: embroider, lard, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up, dramatize, dramatise • Derivationally related forms: drama (for: dramatize), aggrandisement (for: aggrandise), aggrandizement (for: aggrandize), embellishment (for: embellish), embroidery (for: embroider) • Hypernyms: overstate, exaggerate, overdraw, hyperbolize, hyperbolise, magnify, amplify • Hyponyms: glorify • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something with something 2. line or stuff with soft material - pad a bra • Syn: fill out • Derivationally related forms: padding • Hypernyms: stuff • Hyponyms: rat • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something with something 3. add padding to - pad the seat of the chair • Syn: bolster • Derivationally related forms: padding • Hypernyms: fill, fill up, make full • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP - Somebody ----s something with something 4. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud - Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone • Syn: slog, footslog, plod, trudge, tramp • Derivationally related forms: tramper (for: tramp), trudge (for: trudge), trudger (for: trudge), plodder (for: plod), plodding (for: plod), footslogger (for: footslog) • Hypernyms: walk • Hyponyms: squelch, squish, splash, splosh, slosh, slop • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP - They pad up the hill