Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 going to visit a person or a place 2 staying in a place 3 looking after a visitor see also TRAVEL
1 going to visit a person or a place - to go to see a person or place and to spend some time there: visit sb/sth, go* and see sb/sth Did you visit the British Museum when you were in London? ◎ I'm going to go and see my sister and her family this weekend. - a short stay with sb in a particular place: visit We're only planning a short visit. ◎ to pay sb a visit - a person who visits sb/sth: visitor We're having visitors on Sunday. - to visit a person or place for a short time: call (in) (on sb/at a place), call round (at a place), pay a call on sb Jim called round when you were out. ◎ Let's call in on John on our way home. - to make a short visit to a place or person as you pass: (informal) call by, stop by I'll call by on my way home from work. ◎ I'll stop by later for a drink. - a person who pays a short visit: caller You had a caller today, but she didn't say who she was. - to visit sb informally, or without having told them you were coming: drop by/in, drop in on sb We were just starting dinner when George dropped by. ◎ We dropped in on Cathy when we were in London. - to arrive unexpectedly at a place to visit: turn up Guess who's turned up! It's your grandmother! - to visit sb's home, usually a short distance away: go* round/over (to a place), come* round/over (to a place), pop round/over (to a place) I'm going round to Diane's place for dinner tonight. ◎ I'm going over to see Penny. ◎ Can you come round for drinks on Friday night? ◎ I'm just popping over to Simon's house to watch football. - to go to a place (for example a restaurant or a bar) often: (formal) frequent sth When he was in Paris he used to frequent all the expensive restaurants and night-clubs. ※ visiting people on business - to visit sb in order to receive a service: go* to sb I'm going to the dentist this afternoon. ◎ They went to an accountant for financial advice. - to have a meeting with a doctor, dentist, lawyer, etc: see* sb You should see a doctor about that cold. - to take a person into an office, a doctor's waiting room, etc: show sb into a place, show sb in Will you show the next patient in please? - to take a person out of an office, etc: see* sb out (of a place), show sb out (of a place) If you're ready to go, I'll show you out.
2 staying in a place - to remain somewhere (for a day or more) as a visitor or a guest: stay (in a place) (with sb) We are going to stay with friends in Italy. ◎ to stay at a hotel - to arrive at a place to stay: come* to stay Your mother's coming to stay. - to stay somewhere for a night: spend* the night somewhere It was after eight o'clock and we still didn't know where we were going to spend the night. ※ hotels HOTEL
3 having sb to stay - to ask sb to come to your home: invite sb (over/round), have sb round Shall we invite Brian and Pilar round for a meal next Thursday? ◎ We haven't had anyone round for ages. - to invite sb to stay at your house: have sb to stay - to give sb food and a place to stay: put* sb up It's very late. Why don't you stay here? We can easily put you up for the night. - a person that you invite to your home or to a party, etc: guest wedding guests ◎ an uninvited guest - a man/woman who receives and entertains visitors: host/hostess Our host looked after us very well. ※ more on inviting people INVITE - to say hello to sb who is arriving somewhere, for example at your house: welcome sb, greet sb; nouns: welcome, greeting The whole family came to the door to welcome us. - to ask sb to come into your house: ask sb in, invite sb in I had to wait for ages before she finally asked me in. ※ things you say when you welcome sb GREET - when you are happy to see sb, they are welcome; opposite: unwelcome Remember you're always welcome. ◎ an unwelcome guest - to welcome sb in a friendly way: make* sb (feel) welcome They'd never met us before but they made us feel very welcome. ※ MORE ... - if you stay in sb's house longer than you should, so that they are waiting for you to leave, you outstay/overstay your welcome Do you think we outstayed our welcome?
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